1. The Black Willow 3

    Date: 1/31/2016, Categories: Science-Fiction, Cruelty Death, Non-Erotic, Torture, Violence Author: pars001

    The Black Willow 3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This part 3 will connect The princess and the Captain and The Black Willow though, I suggest you read the Princess and the captain first. This part starts 9 years before the Princess and the Captain and ends when Jim contacts her to help. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mary stretched, it had been a long night, Ann her sister sprang from her bed dressing in a hurry. "I start work at the palace today!!" she shrieked in glee. "Yeah, yeah, so glad uh huh," Mary grumbled not quite ready to get out of bed. "Sister get up! You have to see what I am wearing now! Come on get up!" she shrieked again, grabbing her sister's arm almost pulling Mary out of bed. Groaning Mary sat up sore all over last night's job had been a hard one, "alright, alright, I'm up geez!" Mary almost growled she loved her sister but there were times that she could be a pain in the ass. Trying to not upset Ann , Mary really didn't give a rat's ass about the palace or the empire, but this was a good start for her sister. At least she would be legitamite, her sister never expressed a real desire to play the games Mary and their guardian did. She also never really wanted to know what Mary was doing when she was away, it seemed because she could read at a high level that she was in demand teaching and being a nanny. At 16 Ann was extremely ...
    ... beautiful, this slightly worried Mary making Ann a target. Damnit! with the jobs she was starting to take off world now she was gone for days at a time. Sighing she knew she worried far too much but then again being that worried all these years HAD kept her alive. Thomas was finally starting to slow down, the years having finally caught up with him but each day he still stretched with Mary. Hell, Ann had even gotten into the stretching each morning with them, now her body was also starting to tone up making her even more beautiful. This was what Mary was afraid of, a lovely young beauty like her, as innocent as she was would be fair game to the many playboys, among the not caring royals. Mary listened with pretended interest as her sister Ann prattled on and on about the palace and palace life. Preparing to leave soon after Ann did, Mary took Thomas aside, "You have to meet her each night, I won't be here for a week this is the first real high paying job and will be the most difficult to date. If I do this I am afraid I will be in a much larger demand." "I don't see how any job would be difficult for you Mary, your tech is far from anyone's detection systems," he said low so Ann wouldn't hear. "It's not the tech I am worried about it's the mark he's been known to pay assassians off, you know I'll work for the highest amount, I have no loyalty except to my family and Jim and I don't really expect him to ask a favor for a long time. As I told him when we went our seperate ways, it ...