1. Kathy Flashing and Sex - My Second Indy 500

    Date: 1/21/2016, Categories: Exhibitionism Author: kathys_show, Source: LushStories

    ... his shirt were soaking wet. Let me tell you when I cum I really cum. My pussy was still having those little spasm orgasms and I could feel the juice dripping out of my cunt. When I saw him I just kind of crunched my shoulders, tucked my chin down and did one of those pulled back contained laughs with a little cheesy smile. I said, "Oops! Sorry," with a shy (almost mischievous) look. "Don't be. That was fucking great," the man exclaimed. One of the guys brought me another beer which I started drinking. I must have sat in the chair a good ten minutes before my pussy stopped having the little spasms. I told them I needed to get going. Everyone was watching as I stood up. My cunt lips were so swollen, that the chair lifted up with me, my cunt lips stuck in the hole. I sat back down, put my hands on the arms of the chair, and stood back up, pulling my cunt lips out of the chair. I put my dress back on and took off walking down the lane. I got to the end on that row and decided to go where I had never been before. There was another big camping field north of Twenty-Fifth Street. There was a lot of loud music, and also there were more girls flashing as well. Only they were in two's or three's or had men with them. I seemed to be the only girl flashing… totally alone. For the next three hours I flashed several rows of campsites. I got my ass felt up, my pussy played with, my nipples sucked a few times, but nothing really special happened. As I turned the corner for the next to the ...
    ... last row I heard a deep low voice. "Howdy," a man said. I looked around but didn't see anyone at first. Then I saw a campsite sitting back in the trees. There were eight, maybe ten, men sitting around a campfire. "You lost?" the man asked. "Yeah… I mean no. I just couldn't see you back there." I replied with a giggle. "Well hell. Come over and have a beer," he suggested. I said, "No. Thanks. I think I've had enough beer." As I entered their campsite I said, "But I will take a Pepsi." He said, "Sure. Sit by the fire. It's a chilly night." It had gotten pretty chilly, and I wasn't wearing many clothes. I went in and sat down in a lawn chair facing the fire. With a natural flashing reflex I sat down with my legs spread and pulling my dress open so my bare cunt was visible. As I took a drink it was no surprise that all the men were staring at my exposed pussy. "I sure love the way you sit down," the man said. Playing the verbal game I acted like I had no idea what he was talking about and asked, "Why do you say that?" While pointing between my legs he said, "Because your whole puss is showing." All the other guys nodding their heads in agreement. I loved playing these little verbal games. I spread my legs even wider as I looked down between my legs and asked, "And how does that have anything to do with the way I sit down?" while giving a big cheesy smile. "Ohhhh. I guess it doesn't," he said with a grin. "So what did you mean?" I asked giving him the chance to reply. "I don't know! ...