1. Kathy Flashing and Sex - My Second Indy 500

    Date: 1/21/2016, Categories: Exhibitionism Author: kathys_show, Source: LushStories

    ... all wanted to fuck me, and I can't say I didn't want to, but knew I better get home. I said my goodbyes and headed off for the slide. Nope! I wasn't done flashing yet even though it was nearly five in the morning. When I got to the slide no one was there. I looked around and hell, there was no one out. I left my dress open and walked back to my car. I started the car and turned on the heat. I leaned the seat back to rest for a moment, my dress wide open. I fell asleep; can you believe it? I fell asleep. About forty five minutes later I was awoken from knocking on the window. I looked out and there was a cop. I thought 'oh shit I'm in trouble' now. I was half asleep and didn't even realize that my whole naked body was exposed as I opened the window. As usual I didn't say anything. Hell I had no idea what to say. "Are you okay?" The officer asked. "Ah…Yeah… Yes, I... I guess I was more tired than I thought." It was the only thing I could think to say. To my surprise he said, "Be careful driving home. Okay?" I thought ‘wow’ what a break. It wasn't till I put the car in gear that I noticed my dress was wide open and the cop was looking at my naked body. Hey, another first for me, flashing a cop. HAH! Well I never closed my dress and drove home. I took my shower, and like always, laid down on my bed spread out naked to again go over my sexual exploits of the night. I was so beat I don't remember anything until I woke up at four in the afternoon. Well, that was my second Indy 500. Now I'm going to be off for college in two months, missing the brickyard race. Bummer! As always my stories are one hundred percent true in a timeline of my real life. I can tell you that after college, my life gets extremely interesting. So if you like my stories keep an eye open for them. Hope you liked this one. Bye for now, Kathy.