1. Lonely Mothers Milk

    Date: 1/14/2016, Categories: True Story Female / Girl, First Time Incest Lactation, Lesbian Masturbation Written by women Young Author: Nancy The good daughter

    ... very socially awkward now but strong. We tried to have girl’s nights out but seeing other couples only upset her and usually brought our nights to an end. So before I go further I guess I should explain who my Mother is. My mother is a 5’10 light skinned all American woman. She weighs 165 pounds, sports an F cup and has the body that will make any girl jealous. She was an English school teacher before she met my Dad and loved exploring. I look like a spitting image of her except I’m skinny as a toothpick, have a C cup size, am only 5’8 and am not very proud of my body. My Mother had been slowly getting into the online dating scene due to her sister pushing the issue. My Mother wasn’t sure she was ready for the dating scene at all and to be honest because of her depression medication had developed a slight problem which is a known side effect of it. She would lactate… constantly. Now this medicine really did wonders for her on an emotional level and helped her sleep and she wasn’t about to get off of it due to something she felt wasn’t a big deal. No one outside of the family or in the family, besides me, knew she had the issue. This is where the story takes an interesting turn. One night after a normal long day filled with online school and her dating sites she was ready to go to bed. We sat in her room watching recorded Jeopardy like the old couple we felt like we were. She had pumped in front of me a ton of times and it had become pretty routine as she pumped at least 2 ...
    ... times a day every day. Her little breast pump had been running day and night for a long time without issue. I used to be amazed at home much milk would come out of her and how relieved she would look afterwards. After cutting our show short because of her online exam in the morning, she switched off her machine we had said our goodnights and I had left to my room. Sometime in the middle of the night my Mother would wake up in pain if her breast were still full from an unsuccessful milking the night before hand. Tonight was one of those night, as she woke up moaning in pain, I jolted awake and I heard her normal routine. She got up, sat up halfway asleep moaning, got out of bed and walked over the bathroom to pee. After she peed she would walk back to her bed, plug in her pump and lay down while the pump did its work. Something different happened tonight. She plugged in the pump, I heard the springs compress as she sat back down on her bed and that’s when I heard her start to cry. The pump wasn’t working. I tore my sheets off and walked over to her room in my pajamas. As I crept up to the door I she started to call for me. I took a second and then continued into the room. I asked her what was wrong and she responded with the saddest look I had ever seen. Tears rolling down her face she said her pump had given out and it hurt so bad to even touch them. I offered to go pick up a new one for her but she explained she didn’t have any extra cash until pay day. I laid down next to her ...