1. Lonely Mothers Milk

    Date: 1/14/2016, Categories: True Story Female / Girl, First Time Incest Lactation, Lesbian Masturbation Written by women Young Author: Nancy The good daughter

    My name is Jasmine (name changed), I’m currently 18 years old but my stories goes back 4 years. This story is 100% what really happened and I will only be presenting this in 4 parts with each part being longer and more detailed, this is part 1 and 2 combined. This tale of my life I’m calling Lonely Mothers Milk. This is my first time trying to put my memories into words so please give good feedback but don't be mean. Part One ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About 4 years ago, my Mother, Father, and I had just moved into our new home in Victorville, California. Not only was the home huge but it was also centrally located between the beach and Las Vegas so no matter what we decided to do we always found an excuse to leave and have fun as a family. Being 14, the more time I spent away from home the better and my parents were always trying to be the fun parents. That was while my Father wasn’t on tour overseas of course. My father was a mechanic for the United States Army. He had paid for our new home using VA funds and some money he had saved up, and due to the recession homes were so cheap my parents had their pick of them. My Father had served 2 tours overseas and was planning on staying at a local base to finish up his remaining service time. After we were situated in our new home and my Father had been doing his thing at the military base locally (which was only 2 ...
    ... – 3 days a month), we seemed to feel like a normal family again. After my 15th birthday though everything seemed to change. I woke up one morning to my Father and Mother crying in the kitchen. I thought someone had died. As I walked up to my parents I asked what had happened, what was wrong. My Father explained to me that because of spending and mishandling of money at the base all overstaffed reserves were either being moved elsewhere or were going back overseas. In 1 months’ time my Father had been shipped back to Afghanistan to work on Humvees at the bases. My Mother was a nervous wreck again, always scared that next phone call was going to be the call to let us know he was gone, that my Father had died. That phone call came much too soon. About 2 months after deployment my Father had been in a convoy headed from one base to another. His car was the 2nd from the front in the convoy. My Fathers car and the one before it were hit with gun fire and RPG missiles. No one in either of the first two Humvees survived. My Mother got the call about 2:30am Pacific Standard Time that my father was killed. She and I were naturally inconsolable. Over the next few months my Mother became more and more silent, hardly talking, hardly doing much of anything. 2 months before my 16th birthday I started to see my mother come out of her shell again, she would have terrible nights screaming and crying but the Doctor prescribed antidepressants seemed to keep her at bay. She was one strong woman, ...