1. Island Fever 4: Paradise - Chapter 04

    Date: 1/10/2016, Categories: Diary, Female/Female Male / Females Author: JeremyDCP, Source: sexstories.com

    ... able to take my suit jacket off and untuck my shirt, and simply have fun. I knew that in no time flat, that would be Kaden, Piper and yes, even sweet Dani Grace, squealing and asking me to push them on the swing set - as well as any future children of ours. "Higher Daddy, push me HIGHER!" I envisioned a 4-year-old Dani Grace pleading with me as she swung back-and-forth on the swing set, with the occasional nudge in the back from me, while her mother, Amy, looked on and smiled. The mere thought, as you may imagine, definitely warmed my heart. Reverend Clyde did a magnificent job conducting the ceremony at the funeral home. One thing he said during it really stood out to me, however, and struck a deep nerve. "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, yet love leaves a memory no one can steal." It was a touching comment, indeed, and one I would surely never forget. I could not agree with it more, either. I should also point out that I was incredibly relieved that Amy made it through the funeral in one piece. Amy shed a bunch of tears, no doubt, but acted nothing like she did on the morning upon first learning of John's passing. Amy rested comfortably on the sofa alongside Kristanna after dinner, and seemed lively and very talkative. It was at this point when I got the sense that any potential issues Amy had with her pregnancy were resolved. Everything was back on track, and Dani Grace would finally join our family (and make it all the more loving) in about three months. ...
    ... Originally, our entourage was going to leave Toronto on Thursday afternoon and make our return to Norway Friday morning. However, with Scarlett not scheduled to return to work until Monday, June 8 (which was 13 days away), the ladies and I did some brainstorming the night before the funeral, and all of us mutually decided that it would be an excellent idea to pay a visit to the sheer pinnacle of opulence and tropical greenery - the island, off the coast of Lima, Peru, where all of us (except Scarlett) had once called home. Really now... was there a better place in the whole, wide world for our specific group to heal jagged nerves and mend broken hearts? The island and the mansion itself had been kept tidy and clean by some friends of mine - an older, married couple from Lima by the names of Harold and Juanita who I allowed to live there and _watch after_ things for me. With our little group planning to vacation on the island through the first week of June, however, I offered Harold and Juanita an all-expenses paid trip to Hawaii that would only conclude once we returned to Norway. Harold and Juanita happily accepted. Of course, I would be remiss if I did not also mention Mike and his flight crew, two of which were his family members, and the other his best friend. I asked him if they would not mind flying us to Lima on Thursday, then taking us home to Norway at the end of the following week. He immediately told me that they would fly us wherever we wanted to go, and at whatever time. ...