1. Island Fever 4: Paradise - Chapter 04

    Date: 1/10/2016, Categories: Diary, Female/Female Male / Females Author: JeremyDCP, Source: sexstories.com

    ... but I personally opted for the _nacho extravaganza_. Crisp tortillas topped with cheddar and mozzarella cheese, then oven baked and sprinkled with shredded lettuce, pico de gallo, fresh sliced jalapenos, green onions and salsa, and finally doused in sour cream, the meal was just as delicious as it sounds. I had barley soup on the side along with a caesar salad, and shared a big plate of flash-fried tiger shrimp as an appetizer with the others. But the next morning, I felt even more sick and useless inside. There are simply no words that can describe what it feels like to wake up on the morning of a funeral, especially when it is for your wife's father, and you know they will be putting him to rest for the final time. We all woke up early and got ready. Everyone was dressed for the occasion; many of the girls chose business jackets and slacks, while Kristanna and Scarlett opted for dark, full-length dresses that seemed to befit a funeral. Normally I would gush and go on here about how insanely beautiful all of them looked in such formal attire, but I honestly did not even notice. My mind was way too preoccupied. On a side note, unlike at the hospital, Amy did not take well to receiving her vaginal suppository. Scarlett had obviously done this sort of thing before, so I trusted that she inserted it correctly. Still, Amy whined and complained for a bit, but eventually was able to settle down. We were back at the funeral home at 9:00am. The service was not going to begin until ...
    ... 11:00am. Trish and her loved ones stood at the entrance for the most part, and greeted nearly everyone who showed up with kind words and hugs. The whole place was decorated with flowers and photographs. I go back to the thoughtful manager of the _Ritz-Carlton_; even he sent a massive, lovely bouquet, on behalf of the hotel and its staff. Oh, he would be getting another tip... Reverend Clyde oversaw the ceremony itself; he gave a touching, emotional speech about the cycle of life and death that left nearly everyone in tears. In the middle of his presentation, though, Reverend Clyde volunteered to step to the side because "...Patricia, John's beloved daughter, has a poem that she would like to share with all of you." Unaware that this would happen, I watched Trish as she strolled up to the podium with a piece of paper in hand. It took her a moment or two to calm down and collect herself. Once doing so, however, Trish shared a few brief memories about her father, but then said, "I have a poem I wrote late last night, and I want to read it off to all of you." ---------- "Dear Dad, We love you, We miss you so much. Your love and your kindness, Your soft gentle touch." "If we had to live life over, We would choose you once more. If it meant losing you again, It's worth all the tears in the world." "While our hearts are now filled, With sadness and tears. We have many good memories, You will always be near." "The day you were taken from us, Tears fell from the sky. Our hearts filled ...