1. Her Husband's Boss

    Date: 1/9/2016, Categories: Fantasy Cheating Domination/submission Author: Mario Caliente

    ... Jessica Jones, as the secretary might realize that she was Michael Jones’ wife and why would Michael Jones’ wife be calling Michael Slater? And then the thought occurred to her that what if her husband was in Slater’s office at that very moment? But then she thought of an excuse for her call. “This is Jessica Jones. I wanted to thank Mr. Slater personally for a wonderful party Saturday night.” The secretary put her on hold. Thirty seconds passed. A minute. Jessica felt her heart pounding. She practiced saying some words out loud because she feared that when he answered the phone, her voice would squeak like a child’s. At last the secretary came back on the line. “Mr. Slater is busy now, but he asked for your phone number”. Jessica gave her the number. “And is that a cell phone?” Jessica assured the woman that it was. Jessica hung up and immediately decided that she should not have made the call. “I have humiliated myself”, she grimaced. “Why did I do it? Why? Why? Why?” Five minutes passed and her cell phone beeped with a message. She did not recognize the number. The message read: “Have you changed your mind”. Jessica stared at the message for half a minute, her heart beating wildly. Then she typed: --Who is this? --You know who this is. Have you decided to accept my offer? Jessica, her heart in her throat, hesitated. Then she typed: --Maybe. She could see that the person on the other end was typing. Then the message appeared: --Good. We need to discuss ground rules. Meet ...
    ... me at 2113 Hillsboro Street. It’s a bar. 12:30 this afternoon. Ground rules? Jessica thought. What is this, a baseball game? She paced her living room floor, cell phone in hand. What was she getting herself into? The arrival of another message pinged. –Will you be there? Yes or no? Jessica took a deep breath, and exhaled. Then her nervous fingers typed a reply. Before hitting send, she realized she had typed “Tes”. She changed it to “Yes” and hit send. VII. She walked into the bar and paused hesitantly as her eyes adjusted to the dim light. Country music was coming softly from speakers hanging from several locations along the ceiling. The smell of stale beer mixed with the scented saw dust that an incompetent janitor had used in a half-hearted attempt at cleaning the floor. The place was a dump, really. Not at all what she had been expecting. It took her twenty or thirty seconds before she could make out anything clearly, and could see Slater sitting at a small table, watching her intently, a beer bottle on the table before him. She glanced quickly around the tavern’s interior. There were no other customers in the place at this hour except for a loser sitting at the bar staring at his beer. The bartender behind the counter was staring at her. It was obvious that not too many women of her caliber ever set foot in a joint like this. Turning back to face Slater, she walked slowly toward his table. He stood as she approached and held out a chair for her. The smirk on his face made ...