1. In the beginning...

    Date: 12/19/2015, Categories: First Time Author: longtimewife46, Source: xHamster

    ... if I had been up to the hills above the town to see the views. I said no. He asked if I had time to go there with him now and I said that would be great. I genuinely thought nothing more of his request. Looking back I was very naive. After a short drive we were indeed looking across a lovely view of my new home town and we started to talk. The conversation got more and more personal and he started to compliment me: you know you look sexy in the pool; I can't take my eyes off you sometimes; do you ever look at me in the pool and what do you think? Now, part of me felt very uncomfortable at this, but the other part felt excited that this guy was interested in me. He focused all his attention on me. He made it very obvious as we sat in the car that he was looking at my body. He eventually put his hand on my thigh and said that next time we were swimming, he would ask if I wanted to go for a drive afterwards and that if I said yes, we could explore each other a little. I was so nervous by now, and asked him to take me home, reminding him that we were both married and this was not good - and I didn't like him that way at all. While he was driving me home he asked me how many cocks I had seen? I didn't answer and he said that I must have only seen my husband's. I said that wasn't true and he talked me into saying that I had only seen two (my husband's and my first proper boyfriend's). As he pulled up to drop me off at home, he said that if I wanted to, I could look at cock number three after my next swim. I just laughed it off and said he was funny for joking like that. When I got into my flat, I was shaking with nerves, relief, anticipation, curiosity and arousal. I wanted to see cock number three.