1. In the beginning...

    Date: 12/19/2015, Categories: First Time Author: longtimewife46, Source: xHamster

    If you have read my profile you will know what this is all about...it is my sexual development from age 17, which is for me when it all began with my first proper boyfriend. We had been going out together for about two months. He had a car and after we had been out in the town to pubs or clubs, he would drive me home. The routes he took were getting longer and as he was older, I knew the direction he wanted to go in. My first feel of his cock was in a lay by on a deserted road outside town. He was eager and within a couple of days I was wanking his cock in his car almost every time we went out. I would usually be topless with my breasts out. He would feel them, I would wank his cock and he would come, usually within a few minutes. I liked it. Once I got over the eee-www factor of having this new substance called spunk on my hands, I got into it. I would sometimes go home and finger myself off. Masturbating was new to me as well. Remember, back in 1986, good girls didn't touch themselves. I lost my virginity just before my 18th birthday, missionary style, on the back seat of his car in the dark early one morning. I didn't cum, but it didn't hurt (because I was soaking) and it was alright, even if it was unspectacular. Within a few weeks, the relationship ended. I was disappointed but not heartbroken. Soon after that I began to date the man I would eventually marry. He was around my age and about as experienced sexually as I was. We got engaged at 19'and by the time we married ...
    ... when I was about 20 & a 1/2, we had already had intercourse and experimented with oral. I didn't like receiving oral, he liked to give me oral. I didn't mind giving him oral, he liked it a lot. I would bring him off with my hand and never let him cum in my mouth. I knew by now that I didn't like that either. By the time I was 21 we had moved to the other end of the country, had our own flat, both worked and we're starting to enjoy life together. He worked shifts, I worked office hours. We entered a period where his shift work made us ships in the night. We managed it though, still connected. I would often go swimming at a nearby sports centre when he was working. It got boring in the flat, especially as winter set in, I walked there and back to the pool as hubby had to take the car to and from work. I got chatting to regular faces at the pool, as you do, got friendlier with some and in particular, a man called Mark. He was 38 and married. His wife didn't keep well and sometimes they were at the pool as a couple but mostly he was alone. We were often in the pool at the same time. I was a creature of habit and he just seemed to be there when I was. I thought it was nice. I was new to the town, feeling a bit lonely, making friends was important. Gradually, we started to spend time in the cafe after swimming, then he started giving me a lift home, then picking me up from home as well. It all seemed innocent enough. One afternoon after a swim, he was taking me home when he asked ...