Date: 12/13/2015, Categories: Hardcore Mature Taboo Author: pdash21, Source: xHamster

    ... Debbie made herself and Jake a glass of wine, just one glass to help them relax even more. They went from sitting up on the sofa to slumped back, lounging like a pair of k**s. Jake felt his cock stirring in his pants as his mother casually stroked his arm, even though it must have only been an maternally affectionate gesture. His eyes sometimes glanced down to his mum's legs, although he tried not to look, not out of a fear of being caught but out of guilt. At ten o'clock, a movie came on, starring Pamela Anderson, some box-office flop called Barbed Wire. In the opening credits there were lots of shots of Pamela Anderson dancing about naked, closes ups and profile images of her body, which, unlike her acting abilities, was pretty damn impressive. Jake's semi-stiff dick began to grow stiffer. Eventually the credits ended and the movie started properly, beginning with the main actress putting on her clothes which lost half the TV channel's audience straight away. "Do you want to watch this mum?" he asked. "I'm not bothered. You can if you want." "Not really, it's not all that good, so I've heard." "Ah, so you just wanted to catch the opening credits whilst Pamela Anderson is naked then?" sniggered Debbie. "No," Jake insisted, his lie proved by his blushing cheeks (and also by the bulge in his crotch, which he hoped his mum couldn't notice). "Do you like Pamela then?" teased Debbie. "Not really. Well...she's okay looking." "Just okay?" "Do I look pretty to you honey?" she ...
    ... asked, taking the plunge. She knew this flirty line of enquiry could only have been fuelled by less-than innocent latent desires, but she tried to convince herself it was purely innocent. "Of course mum," Jake smiled, looking back at his mum who had placed her hand on his shoulder, both of them totally ignoring the movie on the TV. "You're really pretty." "Thanks honey." "Why do you ask? You're not getting self-conscious are you?" grinned Jake, "Seriously, you're pretty. All my buddies think so." "Yeah?" laughed Debbie. "Sure. Their mum's are middle-aged but you're really young and hot and...well, they fancy you." He gulped, his nervousness at revealing these things over-ruled by his delight that his mum was really flushed with pride at this revelation. "Most of them like you mum, it's kinda funny. I don't mind though, I'm not offended when they say things like 'Jake, your mum has the best body in the world' and stuff! It's quite er...sweet. They think your gorgeous and have great legs. And a nice bum," he added, smirking, the half a glass of wine in his system fuelling his courage to say such a thing. Debbie laughed, neither her nor her son realizing that Jake, in the last couple of sentences, had been inadvertently revealing his opinions on his mum's body but placing the words in the mouths of his friends (although his friends did indeed share those opinions!). "Well, I'm glad I still have the touch," Debbie smirked. She felt compelled to give Jake a kiss, just a quick peck on ...