Date: 12/13/2015, Categories: Hardcore Mature Taboo Author: pdash21, Source: xHamster

    ... wedding, and because the programme itself was rather weak, Jake made conversation by asking his mum if she ever planned on getting married. "Would you want me to?" Debbie asked, sitting up close to Jake, their legs almost touching. Debbie wore denim cut-offs, showing off her legs, but had changed from her T-shirt into the pink Lycra top she normally wore last week, the one that hugged her firm round breasts and revealed her flat toned belly. "Well...I dunno," shrugged Jake, "I was just wondering." "I'm not sure if I will. Maybe. If I meet the right guy. Right now I'm not all that bothered." "I sometimes worry that you don't get out more often and get a chance to meet Mr. Right because of me." "Why do you think that honey?" Debbie asked, sad that her son felt that way and reaching out to gently stroke his bare arm with her fingers. "I'm not sure, I just think that sometimes you feel obliged to stay at home with me tonight when you'd rather be out. I mean, your only thirty, you should have a chance to go out some nights and go wild!" "That's not true honey, seriously! I was going to go out tonight with Selma, because I know you can look after yourself now that you're f******n, but I chose to stay at home with you. Seriously! I don't need wild nights out anyway, they're tiresome. I'd rather sit at home like this." "Yeah?" smiled Jake rather complimented that his mum appreciated his company so much. "Do you have a girlfriend?" Debbie asked, abrupty, not sure why she asked. ...
    ... "No. Why?" "Just wondered. No charming young lady out there stealing my little boy’s heart is there?" "Not really mum," laughed Jake, "You're the only woman for me." He blushed a little, not sure where that statement had come from. "I mean," he added, "I'm not ready for relationships and stuff. I just wanna, I dunno, leave all that for a while." That wasn't true of course, he was desperate for a girlfriend, mainly to see if he could get laid to the edge of his libido which had caused him to do things like he did last week, touching his mum up! Hell, that was the only reason he wanted a girlfriend. "You're the only guy for me," Debbie smiled, and gave Jake a quick peck on the cheek. She then sat back and both sat watching TV, feeling very relaxed with each other. Debbie placed her hand back onto Jake's forearm and just lightly stroked it, feeling comfort from being in physical contact with her son. It did occur to her that she could pretend to fall asl**p here, just to see if Jake would touch her up again. Then she pushed aside such thoughts. It wasn't right, she told herself. It was fine to enjoy her son's company and the way they were so close, and to find it pleasing in a light-hearted way that he'd felt her up last week in what must have surely been nothing more than adolescent curiosity, and also to enjoy just being physically close to him...but wanting him to touch her up and think of her as sexually, that was wrong. Surely. Debbie tried to concentrate on the TV. Shortly, ...