The Life of Hermione Knott, a Granger pt 3
Date: 12/13/2015, Categories: Dark Fantasy Author: Dillan1
... drew a drawing of her, Seamus and Dean. Suddenly, she looked angry and disgusted. *THEODORE ANDERSON NOTT JR.!* she screamed in their minds. *What is it?* he said, scared. *Why didn't you put mental shields?* she asked. *What do you mean?* he asked. *You were snogging Daphne Greengrass!* she said. *So? Can I not?* he said. *You can but put the shields!* she thought. *Why?* he asked. *Because I was going into your bloody mind to ask you something when I suddenly saw you snogging her! What's worst is that when I'm in your mind while you snogged her, I felt like I was snogging her!* she screeched in their minds. *Eww! I didn't need that image in our minds,* he exclamed. *It's your fault!* she said, *You brought in on yourself!* *Sorry,* he said. *OK* "Hermione?" asked Seamus. "What is it?" she asked. "What happened?" asked Dean. "What do you mean?" she asked. "Well, you started to look angry and disgusted then you started to shout 'Theodore Anderson Nott Jr.'," said Seamus. "Oh, that. Well, we're connected emotionally, physically and mentally," she explained, "So we can talk to each other in our minds. I suddenly went to his mind to ask him something when I saw him snogging Daphne Greengrass. When we enter each other's minds, we are seeing things in the other's point of view so it felt like I was snogging her," she finished, shuddering. "Oh," said Dean and Seamus.