The Life of Hermione Knott, a Granger pt 3
Date: 12/13/2015,
Dark Fantasy
Author: Dillan1
Hermione went to find her regular compartment in the Hogwarts waited for Harry and Ron to arrive at the they arrived, they told her about what happened at the Quidditch World Cup. "I know, I heard the Dark Mark was cast wasn't it?" she asked. "How do you know?" Ron asked. "I get the daily prophet," she explained. "At a muggle home?" "Yeah" she said slowly. "I get it too, you know," Harry said. "Oh, OK," Ron let the matter drop. After the sorting, Dumbledore announced the Triwizard Tournament and introduced the participating schools, Durmstrang Institute and Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. *Tell Weasley to shut his mouth or he'll let the flies in* Theo said sarcastically. *He's surprised that Krum is still at school* Hermione replied. *VICTOR KRUM IS IN HERE!?* Theo shouted in their minds. *YES! NOW TALK SOFTER!* Hermione shouted angrily while massaging her brain. "Are you all right, Hermione?" Harry asked, concerned. "Just a small headache," she replied as Theo answered,*OK* in a small voice. When the Goblet of Fire was ready to make its decision, Dumbledore was going to announce the champions for each school. "The champion for Durmstrang," he said,"will be Victor Krum." When the cheering and applause stopped, Dumbledore continued, "The champion for Beauxbatons is Fleur Delacour!" "The Hogwarts champion," he called, "is Cedric Diggory." There was a loud applause for Cedric was a popular boy. The Hufflepuffs' cheering were the loudest. Suddenly, the Goblet of Fire shot up ...
... red fire again and a piece of paper flew up. Instinctively, Dumbledore reached for it and stared at it for a long time. He called out a name, "Harry Potter" Hermione was stunned. He couldn't have put his name in it, could he? *I don't know, sis,* said a voice. *Oops. I must've let my thoughts through,* she thought. *Exactly,* said Theo. *Do you think he put his name in there or get a seventh year to do it?* she asked. *I don't know him well so I can't assume,* he thought. *I doubt he did because he told me many times when he was sure none else is listening that he wish he could be a normal wizard for once instead of being the 'Saviour of the Wizarding World',* she thought to her twin. *Maybe he didn't put it in,* Theo thought. *What if someone put it in there to kill him?* asked Hermione. *Possible,* said Theo. Hermione and Rosella were in the RoR, waiting for their twin brothers. "Finally!" said Rosella. "Guess what?" said Hermione. "What?" asked Theo. "Ron has been ignoring Harry due to jealousy," said Rosella. "Exactly," said Hermione. "No bloody way," exclaimed Anderson. "Yes," said Hermione. "I've seen it coming," said Theo. "What do you mean?" asked Anderson. "It's obvious, isn't it?" said Theo. "What's obvious?" asked Anderson impatiently. "What he bloody means is that Ron only befriended Harry to try get some part of his fame!" finished an annoyed Hermione. "Yes!" said Theo, "Thats what I mean!" "Well, if that…no, it's not obvious," said Anderson. "Seriously?" asked ...