1. Seduction of shanti 3

    Date: 12/10/2015, Categories: First Time Hardcore Interracial Sex, Author: sexozingguy, Source: xHamster

    ... and every male in the club was circling her at one time or another. Her eyes were only for Angelo, though. Not just because he was probably the hottest guy there, with the best body, but also because she was starting to feel comfortable with him. Like all budding relationships, the mere sight of him made her horny. The knowledge that he was incredibly well hung certainly didn't help matters. The inside of her pussy throbbed with desire for a brief moment when she thought about how his manhood felt squeezing into her. It took so long to slide into her all the way! She shook the image out of her head and continued dancing. It was approaching midnight, and Shanti sat down at a table beside Angelo. His friend that was sitting across from him got up and joined the gang on the dance floor. She was intoxicated somewhat, and very horny. She smiled up at him and leaned towards him. He kissed her mouth. Their lips smacked loudly, although it couldn't be heard over the music. He placed his hand on her bare knee and squeezed it. His touch sent tingles up her leg to her crotch, and when he squeezed her knee it was like he sent a thousand bolts of electricity up her body. She knew that if he were to touch her pussy, it would suck his finger inside. That was how wet she was. Just thinking about it made things even worse. &#034How are you?&#034 She shouted over the music. He tickled his fingers just a couple of inches north of her knee, and she was having trouble getting her mind off his ...
    ... cock as a result. &#034Good.&#034 He replied. &#034Are you having fun?&#034 She leaned forward and kissed him, closing her eyes and forcing her tongue into his mouth. The kiss lingered for a few seconds before she broke it. &#034Yes.&#034 She replied mischievously. That kiss made him hard as a rock, and he tried to calm himself down. When you were as well hung as he was, you had to be extra careful about those things – it was impossible to hide! He noticed her eyes glance down at his crotch, and a smile appear on her face. No need to hide it now! &#034Let's go for a walk.&#034 He said, getting up. Thinking they were going back to one of the rooms, Shanti eagerly stood up. As they walked across the dance floor, he took her by the hand. She caught sight of her friends and waved, subtly pointing towards Angelo. Her friends laughed and continued dancing, knowing full well that she was off to get fucked by her new lover. They needn't worry about her for a while! When they left the club, Shanti was surprised when she was led not towards the hotel doors, but towards the beach. It was a hot night, but she could feel sprinkles of rain. The beach was deserted, both from the hour of the night, as well as the threat of rain. The walked down the beach for a few minutes, holding hands and d***kenly joking around, until the club was out of sight. Then Angelo made his move. He turned her towards him, placing his hands on her ass over her thin skirt. Her lips eagerly found his and they kissed ...