1. Seduction of shanti 3

    Date: 12/10/2015, Categories: First Time Hardcore Interracial Sex, Author: sexozingguy, Source: xHamster

    The guys and the girls did their own thing that night, but they made arrangements to get together again the following day, a Wednesday. They would meet and go out for dinner and later hit the resort club. Throughout the day, the girls did activities such as volleyball, and riding on a speedboat. She was wearing a different bikini this time, but Shanti couldn't help but think about what happened the last time she wore one. Images of that really big man pulling down her bikini bottoms, followed up by images of his massive cock forcing its way inside her would not leave her mind. She found that she was wet all day long and could not wait to see him. That evening could not come soon enough, but finally six o'clock rolled around and the three guys, Angelo included, arrived at their hotel door. Shanti was wearing a tiny, tight, dark green top with straps over the shoulders, and it went down to her belly button. She also wore a thin, dark skirt that went to her knees, but was six inches higher on either side. Angelo was wearing shorts and a golf shirt, and his biceps seemed to look even bigger in it! As the six walked down the corridor, Shanti realized that she forgot to put her wallet in her purse, and she had to go back. After telling the gang that she would meet them at the restaurant, she turned and hurried back to her room. Not being a stupid man, Angelo followed. Any opportunity to get this goddess alone was one that he had to take advantage of! &#034Hey, you didn't have to ...
    ... come!&#034 She exclaimed as she unlocked her door. Nevertheless, she could not deny the violent tingling that suddenly shot through her crotch. &#034Oh, that's okay. I couldn't let you walk alone!&#034 He said with a smile. She opened the door and the two of them stepped inside. She quickly spotted her wallet on the nightstand and hurried over to grab it. Opening her purse, she shoved the wallet inside and zipped it back up. Angelo had shut the door behind them, and when she got to where he was waiting, she caught the look on his face. It was a look of lust, a look of desire. Her heart pounded and she stood still as he stepped up to her, putting his hands on her sides. She could tell that her panties were getting wet as he bent to kiss her. Their lips met and they kissed softly. He pulled her closer into her strong arms as he pressed his mouth harder against hers. She sent her tongue into his mouth, and he did the same to hers. Their lips were smacking loudly as they made out at the doorway. She was breathing a lot heavier at this point, and she could feel his hands slide down her back to her ass over her skirt. Angelo squeezed her soft ass as he sent his tongue far into her mouth. He pressed her body against his, making sure that she could feel just how hard she was making him. It had the desired affect, as Shanti's pussy absolutely flooded and her tongue went wild in his mouth. Once he received that signal, his hands slid further down and pulled up her short skirt, easily ...