1. Meeting James - Chapter Two

    Date: 12/4/2015, Categories: Mature Author: Melanieatplay, Source: LushStories

    ... the bottom of it. A short time later we pulled off the freeway on Town Center Drive and drove about a mile to what looked to be an exclusive part of Summerlin. We had driven through an area with multi-million dollar homes and very expensive looking shops and boutiques and arrived at a large Italian restaurant. I had remembered reading about it in the Best Of section of several Las Vegas magazines, and for whatever reason, it surprised me that James owned it. We pulled up in front and a young valet took the keys and another young man opened the doors for us as we walked inside. Upon entering we were quickly met by a middle aged man. “It’s good to see you again, Mr. Moretti,” the man said as he shook James’ hand. I could see the tension in the man’s eyes and felt the strain between them during their brief interaction. So much for a fun night out, I thought. “David, this is Melanie,” James said, looking towards me. David quickly shook my hand without even really looking at me. His hands were clammy, almost wet. I realized just how nervous he was. “I have a table reserved, Mr. Moretti, if you will please follow me,” David said. As we walked through the restaurant, I looked around and appreciated the elegantly decorated walls, appointed in a somewhat modern, but also hints of a classic Italian theme. As David led us to the table, I noticed immediately that the restaurant was full, nearly to capacity. It was an older crowd; most of the men were in suits and many wore ties. Most ...
    ... of the ladies were wearing longer, formal dresses, while a handful of the more daring ones had on shorter, sexy dresses like mine. Many of the women wore very nice jewelry. I saw what looked to be very expensive watches, bracelets and necklaces. It was definitely an upper class crowd. David sat us at the table in the middle of the room and then took a chair close to James and they began talking quietly. I could make out a few words, but, for the most part, I tried to ignore them. There seemed to be enough tension between them and I didn’t want to make a bad situation worse by eavesdropping on their conversation. A pretty waitress approached the table and handed James and me menus. I looked over the menu and noticed how expensive everything was. “Do you have any questions for me?” the waitress asked, smiling sweetly, looking directly at me. She had an olive complexion with dark skin and eyes. She had beautiful brunette hair in a ponytail that reached the middle of her back. She looked to be in her early twenties, and she was truly striking. I looked at her name tag, “Which salad would you recommend Gianna?” I said, looking into her beautiful dark eyes. “We have a great antipasto salad that comes with your choice of either shrimp or chicken,” she said, as she touched my arm lightly. Ok, I’m not crazy; she’s flirting with me, I thought. The way she touched my arm definitely confirmed my suspicion. “I’ll take the antipasto salad with chicken and a glass of white wine,” I said. By ...