1. Meeting James - Chapter Two

    Date: 12/4/2015, Categories: Mature Author: Melanieatplay, Source: LushStories

    ... now, the conversation was growing heated between the men. James didn’t even acknowledge Gianna at the side of our table as she tried to take his order. Trying to assist her in getting his order, I leaned in and whispered, “Did you find what you wanted to order James?” I looked over and saw that my question momentarily put the increasingly tense conversation between the men on hold. “Just pick out something for me,” James angrily said, snapping at me, before returning to his conversation with David. I was shocked and hurt at the rude tone in his voice. Trying to compose myself, I turned to our waitress. “He’ll have whatever is on special for tonight,” I replied to Gianna. She nodded, giving me a quick look of understanding, realizing something wasn’t right at our table between the man I was accompanying and her manager. She turned quickly and left. I nonchalantly scooted my chair away from the men, trying to give them as much privacy as I could, without making it look too obvious to the other guests. It was a festive atmosphere in the restaurant. The couples at the other tables were laughing and smiling, enjoying their meals. The jovial mood in the restaurant was in stark juxtaposition to what was transpiring at our table; two men heatedly talking under their breath, and at times, looking like they were seconds from coming to blows. A few minutes later James stood up, looked at me, and angrily said, “We are going to the office to talk.” Without further explanation, both men ...
    ... abruptly left. Once James was gone, I was the only one sitting alone in the dining room. To make matters worse, I was in the middle of the crowded dining room and it felt like every eye in the room was on me. It wasn’t enough that I was the youngest one in the restaurant, eating with a man who was more than twice my age, but now, he’d left me by myself. My mood was turning fouler by the second and I found it much more difficult to ignore the judgmental stares of some of the older people sitting around me. A few minutes later Gianna brought our plates of food, set them down and gave me a caring, sympathetic smile. “Can I bring you anything else?” she said softly. “I’ll take a better boyfriend.” I said, forcing a smile. She looked tenderly at me and squeezed my hand. “I’ll be back to check on you soon,” she said compassionately, as she turned and walked away. I looked down at my dinner, the salad looked delicious. The aroma from my plate was causing my stomach to grumble, so I decided to eat. Who knows how long James will be, I thought. I had taken several bites of the salad, when James returned to the table, without David. He sat down and looked at his plate, “Who ordered this shit?” he said, looking at me angrily. Shocked at his statement, I looked down at his plate. I had been so upset I hadn’t even noticed what Gianna had brought. I looked at him with daggers in my eyes. “I guess the special tonight is escargot. You could complain to the owner, but I doubt it would do much ...