New Life in RIanate 4
Date: 11/21/2015,
Consensual Sex
Male/Teen Female
Written by women
Author: Lustful11, Source:
... favorite cousin, Grayson. She and her brother are in the army," I smiled. Dallas gave a single nod then grabbed my hand. We rose from the bed and marched down the staircase, and through the kitchen so we could leave back to Rianate. On the way back, Dallas kept tickling me just enough for my body to jump, and it was really pissing me off. I had to stay a few steps ahead, since Dallas was using his torture method on me. I was really ticklish, and Dallas always took advantage of that by making me jump and get scared. We just reached the portal and Dallas recited the words. After the darkness thing, we were standing in front of the gates to the high school and Dallas typed in the code on the brick wall. The heavy doors opened then we strode in. As we neared the Girls’ Dorm, Dallas put his arm around my waist and said, “I have to go and help the Twins with some Tio (elementary kids) for tonight. Sorry.” “Why are you sorry?” I asked. “Because. I’ve been gone for over a week and, I really wanted to hang out tonight.” I stopped in front of the doors and cupped his neck. Dallas’ eyes were a light brown color at the moment, and they actually made him look really attractive. “It’s okay. I’ll see you tomorrow… and the rest of the week,” I smiled, though I wanted to hang out tonight. “I’ll call you later… probably not tonight, I’m tired as hell.” Dallas leaned down and kissed me on my lips, he even slid his hands down to my rear. The glass doors abruptly opened and Tao & Aya were ...
... smiling at us like creeps while we kissed. Dallas turned to them, but didn’t react; I let out an amused sigh. “I love you,” I chuckled. Dallas gave me another big kiss. “I love you, too." He looked at the girls with a smug smile. "What? Do you two want a kiss?” Aya took a step toward Dallas but Tao pulled her back. I let go and walked into the dorm with them. “Are you serious?” I laughed. “I was in the middle of some serious tongue-work!” “Hey, if he ever wants to spread that birthday-suga around…,” Aya bit her lip as she trailed off. “Yeh, don't be selfish,” Tao added, bumping her hip with mine. I rolled my eyes as we stepped into the dorm. It was nearing 9pm, and for some reason, I was hella tired. Probably because dad almost caught me eavesdropping when he was talking with Dallas. Well, I stripped off my clothes and laid down, there was no way in hell I was still staying up. And… of course, my mind took me into a bunch of different questions. I was thinking about Dallas, and what he said earlier, about our age difference. There are some people who date other that are, like, four years older than them, and two years could be trouble? And, some girls date older men like it's nothing big! Ever been in high school? Seen a sophomore dating a senior? Yeah. So, why would anyone get pissed? Hell, I’m halfway through with Rio year, and after that, Dallas and I will both be Mio. Hmm, so these questions already have answers. Less stress on my mind means more time for sleep, and more time ...