1. New Life in RIanate 4

    Date: 11/21/2015, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Death, Male/Teen Female Romance Spanking, Written by women Author: Lustful11, Source: sexstories.com

    ... girl and nodded. Dad had his hair back to normal, but I was just imagining him with the grassy green color. He took a deep breath then said, “First, did you two plan to come here and tell me, or are you just here because you want something? Second, how long has this been going on? Third, do you two know you have to change your hair? Do it.” Dallas waved his hand over his head and his hair went to a soft brown, with blonde highlights. I changed my hair back to it’s dark blonde and looked at dad. He didn’t seem mad, just confused, but trying to set us straight. “Okay,” I commenced. “Uhm, we did plan to tell you, we wanted to do it earlier but Dallas was gone.” “And, it’s been…. a bit over a month,” Dallas smoothly added. “Hmm.” Dad gave a single nod but didn’t say anything else. A thumb over his shoulder gave me the hint he wanted me upstairs for the moment. I walked around the hallway and trotted upstairs to my bedroom. Hell no was I gonna let dad just chew Dallas’ ass out and not listen. So, I sat at the top of the banister with my ear turned to the kitchen. “Dallas, I know you. And, I know what you’ve been through as a teenager. But, the thing is, Eris is only 17—” ahem, I am turning 18, soon—“and from what I’ve heard, I know that you’re turning 20 tomorrow.” There was a quick silence before Dallas answered, “Yes, I am. We discussed the age difference, and, at first, it didn’t seem rational, but, it’s not like I’m a professor. So, it wouldn’t be that bad. But, your opinion ...
    ... is most important.” “Solid answer. Dallas, what do you think Brice and Lena would think?” Damn it! Why does he have to bring in hard questions?! “Well, right now, Lena hates everything that crosses her way. And, I know that Brice wouldn’t think of it as—as an inappropriate relationship. But, both of them as a whole, not so sure.” Dad took a long pause. Too long…. Oh shit. He knew I was there. I quickly retreated to my room and stopped listening. (I wasn’t that sneaky, either.) After about 30 minutes, I heard the front door open then shut. Uh… Two seconds later, there was a knock on my bedroom door. “Yeah?” Dallas peeked his head in and smiled. “He approves.” “Really?! Then—then where did he go?” I asked. “Back to Rianate. He said that you and I are allowed to date. And uh, he asked me about sex.” My eyes burst out. “WHAT?!” Dallas shrugged. “It’s not like I gave detail. I just said, something happened.” He looked around my room and made approving sounds. “Okay, I guess its not that bad. Okay, I’ll say hi to him when we get back. Are you—” I looked up and Dallas wasn’t there. He was snooping around my room like a creep. Well, not like a creep, just looking and touching. He glanced at the soccer posters I had on my wall, and at the pictures of my mom. "Sorry, what?" Dallas said over his shoulder. "If you wanna look, that's fine," I giggled. "Har har, Eris." Dallas stopped looking and came over to the bed. He looked at the nightstand then pointed to the picture. "Who's that?" "My ...