Once a Nerd Ch. 11
Date: 8/27/2024,
Gay Male,
Author: byhardwoodstudios
a/n: I've gone back through and done some editing. The first and seventh chapters got hit with the most edits, so I've re-uploaded them both to Literotica. I tried to keep the overall spirit of the first chapter, but frankly, it was heinous to me and got overhauled.
For this chapter, it's mostly plot—wee bit of smut at the end.
Thank you for all your sincerely kind comments, and I hope you enjoy this one too!
"Thought I missed ya."
He says it as soon as he's in earshot.
John's shoulders droop with visible relief. Casey must recognize Dean's face from the school's roster page or the jumbotron footage, because his eyes light with quick recognition. Dean claps a friendly hand to his roommate's shoulder, but he's not looked away from me for a second. It's smothering. While Casey's sure to put the huge, obvious pieces together at some point, he's too starstruck to do it now. You'd think Dean was already a Hall of Famer. He belts an incredulous laugh, throwing his hands up:
"Dude, hey! Holy shit, that was anamazing fucking game, man! I had no idea you and Sam knew each other."
Right before my eyes, Dean's personality subtly shifts. He's like...one of those holographic trading cards that displays a different image when held at an angle. With Casey, he's more lighthearted, easygoing, and just a touch of ditzy. His expression drops the edge, becoming bright and open. Like me, John's spent a fair amount of time around Dean. He, too, picks up on the ...
... change.
"Ah, thanks, man! I was super motivated today, played my fuckin' heart out. Yeah, Sammy and I goway back." When he cuts a look at me, it's the real Dean. Then, he says something that very nearly gets a violent, physical reaction—probably a massive fucking coronary, my heart seizing and deprived of oxygen:
"He taught my English class."
John's a lot less subtle than I hoped he'd be, as he passes a wide-eyed, disbelieving glance between Dean and I. He didn't know. Casey, surprised for a different reason, gawks at me from the side. "Sam, man, why didn't you say?!"
"Well, I was a shit student." Dean laughs. "Sorry, man, I didn't catch your name." He sticks his hand out, and Casey grabs it for a firm, proper shake.
There's a lump the size of a bowling ball in my throat. I'm both hot and clammy, and my hands are starting to shake by my hips. I've refocused my gaze to the stadium's wall over Dean's shoulder, because I can't look him or his roommate in the face. I'd give anything for the ground to split under my feet and swallow me up. John's opinion isn't as much of a concern. He and I don't have a personal relationship, and he's also stuck in a room with Dean every night. Surely, between Dean and I, he has to realize who has the more forceful personality. But, Casey'smy friend. Once he figures it out, will he look at me with disgust? Will he distance himself from me?
Belatedly, I realize why he's doing this. It's Dean's way of saying:
Watch me win them over. Watch me ...