1. Melinoe Ch. 01-05

    Date: 8/26/2024, Categories: Group Sex Author: byRusthemod

    ... before the Terran Federation could recover from this.
    Then Agatha updated Max on the Kirrix incursions beginning to take place on the periphery.
    Max was shocked: those were countless more lives now in peril from just one order of the deceased Fleet Admiral.
    Max decided to check some of the TFN boards and chat rooms. A plethora of glowing praises to the Lion and the Lionesses followed with a surprising number of scathing reviews of the TFN admiralty.
    Of the holofeeds of the aftermath of the almost successful invasion, two stories in particular were especially prolific.
    Lioness Rachel Voss: 'The Angel of Terra', was shown healing the wounded defenders on site at the Citadel and Vice Admiral John "The Lion" Blake's melee combat with the Kintark Emperor was on a continuous loop every news cycle.
    Max was tempted to peek into 'dark corners'. She wasn't sure if it was worth the risk, but she needed information on Int Ops.
    Max again centered her resolve and logged into the account and entered dark corners. Max, as Ms_Muffit, first went to the chatroom where previously there were hundreds of users.
    It was completely deserted.
    Max navigated Ms_Muffit through a long series of maze-like structures, checking every chat room she could find. Max spent ten minutes in dark corners, never seeing another user. The boards and post's logs were completely blank.
    Dark Corners had been sterilized.
    Max went to the log out, suddenly overcome with an eerie feeling. Max ...
    ... logged Ms_Muffit out.
    Joon smiled, satisfied with all the clothes she had in the once forlorn closet.
    Her shoes were also on display below, she glanced at the two pairs of Max's shoes that she brought: her running trainers and a pair of sleek black suede heeled half-boots.
    Joon was well aware that Max hated heels; but Joon hoped she would one day get her towering wife into some sexy boots. Agatha was helping Joon set up the closet and was appreciating the variety of clothing Joon owned. Joon pulled out a lacy, diaphanous, white baby doll lingerie ensemble.
    Agatha recognized it immediately.
    Joon smiled, misinterpreting the reaction.
    "Would you like to see me in this?" Joon asked.
    Agatha smiled, "I already have."
    Joon's confusion was brief as she figured out how Agatha could have seen her.
    "So Max was dreaming of me wearing this?"
    Agatha nodded together, "Max was enjoying that lingerie on you very much."
    Joon briefly looked off into nothing, a naughty smile forming on her face. Joon sighed happily, smooching Agatha on the cheek in turn. "Just wait until you look into my dreams, and what I want to do with you."
    Both Agathas smiled broadly.
    Joon peered at Agatha, "Are you still on patrol?"
    Agatha nodded, "Yes, it seemed like a good idea."
    Joon frowned, "It's late, come in and let's get her washed up, I bet you're tired."
    Both Agathas adopt a look of endearment.
    Joon and the two Agathas met up with the combat suited Agatha ...