1. Melinoe Ch. 01-05

    Date: 8/26/2024, Categories: Group Sex Author: byRusthemod

    ... thought," Joon smiled and, with tears of her own streaming down her cheeks, she eased her chair back and went over, wrapping her arms around her wife.
    "I love you Max, with all of my heart." Joon kissed Max on the cheek.
    Howard sniffed, speaking softly. "Ghost or not, you will always be my daughter, I love you too."
    The Smiths contemplated Max's revelation and confession as they cleared the table together. Max washed every dish. Howard dried them and put them away. In the kitchen Howard rubbed his adoptive daughter in law's shoulder, knowing it would be a long time before Max would reconcile over her career decisions.
    The bright yellow star known as Epsilon Eridani was setting for the Smiths on the planet Jericho, but not for the family.
    Max and Joon watched as Agathas hugged and kissed her new parents goodbye, then they followed suit. They all promised to keep everyone in the loop now that so much was out in the open between all of them.
    Max brought the hover car to altitude and tapped in the range as their destination and the hover car slowly gained velocity.
    "I hope you can forgive me, someday." Max said quietly.
    "Max! Quit that!" Joon fussed, "I get it... I really do... so you're NOT going to wallow in this for the rest of your life and make us miserable."
    "Did you learn all the things you needed to get justice for Deirdre?" Joon inquired.
    Max nodded.
    "Then, as long as you're not going back, I am satisfied."
    "You did a hard job, ...
    ... orders of magnitude harder than I thought it was." Joon continued.
    Joon turned Max's head and kissed her, "So stop thinking I can't handle you... little miss 'I am not all pure and noble.'"
    Agatha was quiet in the back seat, but they both laid a hand on Max's shoulders in a show of solidarity.
    The quiet forest in twilight was disturbed by the hovercar descending to land next to the corvette as it stood adjacent to the archery range.
    Max hopped out to thumb open the cargo bay door.
    Ten steps before she could reach it the doors began to open.
    Agatha then disengaged her nanoweave and Max just stopped, "Oh shit, Agatha, I am so sorry you're still out here!"
    Agatha smiled, "That's alright, you've had a lot on your mind."
    Joon giggled as she pulled out the garment bag. The other two Agathas started carrying cases and bags into the ship. Max carried the two heavy duffels up to the command cabin. Twenty minutes or so later Max found herself sitting in the command seat on the bridge.
    Joon was putting her clothes up, with two Agathas assisting her. Max glanced at Agatha sitting at the pilot's station, she really could multitask.
    "Ags, what's going on in the Sol system? Give me a sit-rep please?" Max asked.
    Agatha turned in her chair and updated Max on the mop-up procedures, reported safety hazards in Unity City, and rescue operations in hundreds of locations in the Sol system.
    Max nodded, trying to fathom such operations, it was going to be a long time ...