Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 02
Date: 8/17/2024,
Female exhibitionist,
Written by women
Author: vanessa.evans
... us off at our house Dylan insisted on carrying me into the house. I may have been wearing a thong bikini bottoms under my cover-up but the neighbours would have been able to see all of my bare backside, if they had been watching.
The first thing that we did inside the house was to christen the hallway with a very pleasant fuck, Dylan telling me that we’d fuck in a different room each day until we ran out of new rooms. Then we’d move on to fucking in the garage then each corner of the back garden and our finale would be him fucking me in the middle of the lawn at the back. I’d already sussed-out that some of the neighbours would be able to see us fucking in the back garden, if they looked, and the thought of doing it made me extra horny.
It was later afternoon when we’d arrived at our house and after the initial christening we spent a few hours unpacking and getting ourselves organised. I hadn’t bothered putting any clothes back on and I hadn’t heard Dylan order a pizza, nor the doorbell ring when the delivery guy arrived. I went downstairs to see what Dylan was doing and I surprised myself and the delivery guy when he saw me full frontal naked.
“Oops,” I said as I dived into the kitchen but when Dylan joined me all I wanted to do was fuck him.
When we finally got around to eating the by then cold pizza Dylan asked,
“You enjoyed showing yourself to that delivery guy didn’t you Esther?”
“Yes, but it was over way too quick, I’m ...
... not even sure that he saw me.”
“Oh he saw you alright, you should have seen his face. Tell you what, from now on when the doorbell rings you can go and answer it Esther, I’m sure that you’ll appreciate the exposure as much as the delivery guys.”
“What if it’s your mum, dad, or brother, or worse, my mum and dad?”
“Well I’m sure that my dad and John (18 year old brother) would appreciate the sight and I doubt that mum would be upset. I doubt that your dad would be either but as for your mum, well, I guess that she’s going to have to find out how you have changed sometime, maybe the sudden shock treatment is the best way. Anyway, you’re 20, a grown, married woman, you can choose how you dress, or don’t, it now has nothing to do with her.”
“Or maybe it would kill her or she would disown me?”
“Well if she can’t accept you for what you are now then maybe her disowning you isn’t a bad thing, we don’t want her coming round here every so often upsetting you by throwing a load of religious nonsense at you and calling you all sorts of nasty names do we?”
“True, but I don’t want to stop seeing my dad, he’s a nice guy even if he is under mum’s thumb.”
“Let’s worry about that when / if it becomes a problem. Now, lets get this unpacking finished then we can use the bed for something that is much more fun.
We continued the practice of going to sleep with Dylan’s cock inside me and the first one who woke up fucking the other.