1. Getting Married Set Me Free Pt, 02

    Date: 8/17/2024, Categories: Fiction Exhibitionism Female exhibitionist, Written by women Author: vanessa.evans

    ... course, totally naked.
    There was one day that we didn’t go to either beach, we had decided that we should really do a bit of sightseeing and we took a bus to the nearest big town. I wore a mini sarong with a matching halter top that we’d bought at the same time as the cover-ups. Again, both parts are slightly sheer and I could easily see my areolae and nipples through the halter and I could also see my slit through the sarong if I twisted it so that the knot was on my hip. Dylan told me that he could see my butt crack as well.
    As we walked around I experimented with having the knot at different places and Dylan told me that he could see my slit through the opening when I walked and sometimes all the time.
    I spent half the day looking at the scenery and half the day looking at the men around me looking for some sort of indication that they’d seen parts of me that most women keep hidden away. The vast majority of men gave no indication that they’d seen something but when one did it made my nipples and pussy tingle and I’d grip Dylan’s hand harder.
    We found a fast food place for lunch and sat at a table outside. The whole place was about a metre higher than the footpath and when I sat facing the street I remembered to not cross my legs, Dylan and I watched, through our sunglasses, the people walking by and noting the people who turned their heads to look at me and saw my bare pussy.
    Also, the street was busy, both pedestrians and cars and we spotted a couple of ...
    ... car drivers who were stopped in front of us because of the stationary traffic and they turned and stared at me for a few seconds. One staring driver was stuck staring at my pussy for over a minute before the traffic started to move again.
    I think that that day was the longest that I’d gone without having Dylan’s cock inside me.
    Oh, the sightseeing was mildly interesting but we wouldn’t go back there again.
    There was another day that ended differently, 2 actually. When we came back from the nude beach we decided to walk along the seafront back to the hotel and we found an area where the main walkway cut across a corner of the beach so the was a sandy area that was cut-off from the rest of the beach. This area was big enough to have about a dozen sun loungers on it and this particular day there were 2 unoccupied loungers free right next to the busy walkway.
    Now I’d twisted my ankle a little bit whilst chasing after Dylan on the beach earlier and it was still giving me a little bit of pain so Dylan suggested that we sit on the 2 unoccupied loungers for a while to help my ankle recover.
    The thing was, the cover-up that I was wearing that day was very short, very light-weight and had been flying around in the gentle breeze. Laying back on the reclined lounger, with my sunglasses on, I could see everyone walking along the walkway very close to my feet, and the groups of people standing on the sand at the other side of the walkway.
    I’d been reclined there for no more ...