1. Grand Rapids' Conference

    Date: 8/13/2024, Categories: Gay Male, Author: JimmieCrack

    ... it feel great. I might learn some good techniques."
    I replied, "I'm sure you could say the same thing for men, too."
    "I hadn't thought about it, but that's probably true."
    We finished our drinks and retired to our rooms.
    The next day, I saw Greg a couple of times between lecturers and asked if he would spot me again after today's schedule. He said that he'd be glad to.
    When the day's events were completed, I called his room and told him to meet me at the weight room. He was wearing the same workout clothes as the day before and for some reason, I began looking forward to doing some bench presses.
    Once we moved to bench presses, I decided to try and lift more weight. I put on 150 lbs. Greg had to get a better grip on the bar and was straddling the bench just above my head. The extra effort required by this weight caused his cock to slip out of his shorts. I was staring it directly in the eye, so to speak. It still looked good.
    He said, "Excuse me. I've got to re-arrange this furniture."
    He shoved his hand down the front of his shorts and moved his balls and cock around until they were re-secured.
    When we had completed our workout, we headed for the sauna room again. The attendant gave us our towels as we entered.
    Being alone in the sauna, I thought I was sensing something in Greg, so as we sweated, I removed my towel and wiped my face except I didn't replace it. My six-inch cock was just languishing on my leg.
    I noticed Greg checking ...
    ... it out when he said, "If you want to shave down there, I could show you how I do it. I brought the things I use. You could come to my room later and I'll show you."
    I replied, "OK, I have always learned best by watching someone who was a SME, subject matter expert."
    He removed his towel and wiped his face and neck. He didn't replace it this time.
    I was soon enjoying the show and soon had to replace my towel before I revealed too much. We showered and headed to our rooms. I told him I'd be there after I got dressed.
    I knocked on his door. Opening it, he smiled while inviting me in.
    I said, "Where are we going to do this?"
    "The bathroom is best the first time, so you don't get hair all over the place. After you've done it once, you can do it almost anywhere."
    I thought to myself that's so true about a lot of things.
    "Why don't we take off our clothes in here so we're not tripping over them?"
    "Sounds like a good idea."
    We removed our clothes and put them on his bed. Once in the bathroom, he gave me the scissors and said, "Now, you want to hold your cock with your left hand and start at the base. Clip the hair as short as you can. You always want your skin taut so you don't nick yourself."
    I took the scissors and did as directed. My salt and pepper pubes began to fall away.
    He said, "That was the easy part. Trimming the hair around your nuts is tricky. You want to do the same thing down there."
    I pulled the scrotum skin tight and began. About ...