Grand Rapids' Conference
Date: 8/13/2024,
Gay Male,
Author: JimmieCrack
I jiggled my pocket change as I awaited my ride to the airport. I'd be giving a presentation on the conference's first day, but after that, I was free the rest of the week to go to any of the other lectures as I so desired. My presentation will be on the exciting subject of "Statistical Quality Control in the Service Industry." I had spent a lot of time trying to make a normally boring (nerdy) subject, but really interesting, and entertaining. I had given the presentation to my classes and I got laughs where they were supposed to be. I thought I was ready for whatever came along. Boy, was I wrong.
My wife walked up to me and gave me a hug like we were in a "Cialis" commercial and said, "How will your students get by without their professor for a whole week?"
"I've given them more homework than they can do and besides I have four TAs to work with my classes. They'll be fine."
Just then my ride pulled up.
My wife lovingly looked at me, saying, "You be good now and don't get into any trouble. I'll be waiting to hear how things go. Love you."
She kissed me as her hand stroked my beard and gave it a loving tug.
The flight was uneventful and we landed at the Ford International Airport only a few minutes late. Since I was one of the primary guest speakers, there was a limo waiting to take me and another speaker to the Amway Grand Plaza on Monroe Ave.
It was a cold day that caused my glasses to fog up as soon as I entered the hotel lobby. I found my way to the ...
... front desk and received the conference check-in "Welcome" packet; I was shown to my suite in the Pantlind wing.
Since there were almost 200 people attending, the conference was scheduled for the Pantlind Ballroom in that wing of the hotel. My luxury suite was very nice – king-size bed, One and a half baths, a lot of other amenities – really first class.
I settled in and decided to do a walkabout. The hotel was extremely nice. I noticed there was a workout room with some free weights. Back in the day before I hurt my shoulders, I used to do heavy weights, but now, (two rotator surgeries later) I just do enough weight to keep toned. I was glad I had brought my workout gear. There was a sauna/steam room, too.
Returning to my room, I went over my presentation one more time just to refresh. Soon it was dinner time, so I headed for the MDRD restaurant on the twenty-seventh floor to take in the view. When each conference participant received their Welcome Packet, they were encouraged to wear their name tag provided during the whole conference. I was seated at a table for two, but soon with all the guests arriving, the place was packed. I saw a man with a conference name tag waiting to be seated. It looked like it would take some time, so I told the waiter that he could sit at my table if he didn't mind company.
The waiter showed him over. His name was Greg. We began with some small talk. This was his first big conference and at such a nice hotel. He looked about twenty ...