1. The Only Exception Ch. 07

    Date: 8/7/2024, Categories: Gay Male, Author: byloveandlust28

    Chap 7 Trust, Desire and a Wrench
    Hello my beautiful readers,
    I know it's been a while and I apologize. I see the comments and please do not worry. I will finish my stories. Hopefully this year will be less hectic and I'll get to finish them all. That's the plan anyways. In the meantime, here is my valentine to you. A nice long chapter. I really hope you all enjoy it<3
    Much love, xx
    Adam's Pov:
    I didn't sleep all night. I couldn't. Every time I tried, something terrible would come into my head. Whether it be my mother on her deathbed or the rape of my omega, I couldn't stop myself from seeing horrifying images every time I closed my eyes. I felt trapped and helpless to do anything for the people I loved. I couldn't go back to the past and save my boyfriend and I couldn't heal my mother. I was useless. Instead of sleeping, I spent my time watching over Benny, kissing his brow and playing with his hair whenever his expression changed in his sleep.
    I thought of how he'd asked, or rather begged, for me to be a part his heat following the story of his suffering. His request was so sweet and needy that I could never have turned him down in the moment. Hearing what my omega had been through at the hands of my kind changed how I saw things, though not in the way I'm sure he expected. Before, Benny had always seemed so out of reach to me. An unfortunate circumstance of unrequited love. Now, however, I couldn't imagine letting another hand touch him, for ...
    ... who else could possibly deserve to? A crazy part of my brain even felt like he belonged to me and that he always had, so of course his heat should be mine!
    Then, there was the inexplicable sensation that things were changing. I could sense it in the air. I was changing, my life was changing. I would be losing my only family soon but gaining something else, a partner, or so I hoped. Joy and pain was yet to come, I just knew it, and I didn't know what I'd turn into when everything settled back into place. The undercurrent of rage I so often felt during my childhood reared it's ugly face once more and I thought back to my mothers story. Though I knew better, I let my mind wonder about the past I was never allowed to have.
    Unsurprisingly, as my thoughts were already troubled over my relationship with Benny, I was now plagued with a new set of worries. What would have happened if I'd been given the right to claim that I was somehow part of Shadow Pack, instead of being considered an outcast? Would I be worthy of my little omega then? Or would I have ended up with someone else?
    In theory, I felt I could have had a mate, in spite of the rules set by my parents deal. So what then? What if I hypothetically had one but I didn't know it because my mother had never been honest with me about my father? Would this supposed mate be okay without me or would my abandonment caused them to suffer? Maybe I didn't even have a mate and that was part of their deal? Then I had the worst of ...