1. White Slave Tales – Angelique

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: Diary , Humiliation Non-consensual sex Slavery, Author: spacybickerson, Source: sexstories.com

    ... mouth. Although her knees were painful, she did her best tongue action hoping for an ejaculation. Angelique didn't like men that took long to come especially men that she couldn't stand. With the heat and the awful smell of the cabin, Angelique had spells of dizziness. She wanted to get on her back and let the men just fuck her.
    When Kingston pushed Angelique's face away and grabbed Dominique's face for the dick sucking, Angelique gladly stood up and stretched her body. Bett then grabbed her from behind, groping her breasts. "Don't fuck that one yet. I want to have her first," Kingston said to Bett referring to Angelique.
    Angelique never resisted. She knew it wouldn't change things and probably make it worse. She stood without any emotion as the hungry hands felt her up, with two dirty fingers pushed into her vagina. Bett's dick started to rise again, poking its head harmlessly on Angelique's curvaceous ass. She was glad as she didn't have to get back on her knees. Poor Dominique was getting sloppy and tired. Kingston became upset. His dick wasn't getting the attention that he felt it deserved.
    Kingston grabbed Dominique's and yanked her to her feet. "Punishment, you will get," Kingston said and pushed her down on the dirty floor. "Get this delicious mama next to her," Kingston ordered Bett. Angelique was on the floor next to Dominique and she parted her legs exposing her private pink flesh to the officer. As Kingston slowly parted Angelique's labia with his cock, ...
    ... his face was smug with the look of a victorious conqueror. Angelique briefly thought about her husband as another man took the pleasure of her once private body. His strokes were deliberately long and slow.
    "I love Indian women," Kingston said, his stale breath hovering over her face. "I want to enjoy every inch of my cock in you. Indian women enjoy sex but they never want to show it."
    Angelique felt her insides stretch as his large instrument with bulging veins pushed its way. Although she had fucked many men with sizeable penises, the experience was always painful. Kingston seemed to relish his long strokes into Angelique. She hoped he would forget about punishing Dominique who was just lying listlessly next to her naked flesh.
    His eyes bore into hers as his strokes started to gain momentum. Outside everything seemed quiet and still, washed in the strong afternoon sun. Even Bett now taking Dominique's body right next to her was a distant blur. Her body was reacting to the sensation growing in her loins but her dead eyes just looked back into his large bulging eyes. "Spill your seed, you bastard," Angelique said in her mind. The last thing she wanted him to know was that she was getting pleasure.
    Kingston's eyes turned upward and his body shuddered spraying drops of sweat onto Angelique's soft bosom and face. The deed was finally done. She took in another deposit, a big one this time.
    Kingston's large frame resting on her made her a prisoner. She couldn't move. ...