1. Passion in Holy Orders

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: First Time Author: bySentinelX, Source: Literotica

    ... Bridget, who eyed me sternly from behind her half-moon glasses. A good thing she couldn't read my mind, or I expect the old bag would've spontaneously combusted on the spot.
    "Oh and if you could speak to Sister Lucy in private, Father," she began. "I fear she may be having second thoughts about taking her final vows. If you could put her mind at ease, then..."
    "Leave it to me," I replied, trying to remain as serious as possible. "Having a bit of a wobble like this is of course, understandable. I'm sure a moment of quiet prayer will help her. I've encountered this sort of thing many times in the past. And I'm pleased to say that my words have always had...the desired effect."
    The Prioress nodded. I'm sure she didn't believe me. She's a suspicious one, she is. I'm always on my guard when she's around.
    Upstairs in the study, Sister Lucy's heart raced. She knew she should resist; she was committing a terrible sin. Yet the lust that coursed through her, unbidden and relentless, made resistance all but impossible. The raging crush she'd developed on the parish priest was threatening to engulf her. Father Reilly was old enough to be her dad - maybe her grandad, and he was a man of God. He looked damn good for his age - thick head of silvery hair, strong chiselled features, piercing blue eyes and charisma that no doubt endeared him to church congregations. And...what she's seen of him today had only increased her lust.
    She wanted him so badly, it was like an ache, ...
    ... gnawing away at her. Dear Lord, that cock of his had looked so enormous! It would surely hurt if he were to slide it inside her...
    A knock on the door jolted her to her senses.
    I entered the study, upon hearing Sister Lucy's timid voice.
    "O-oh Father! You're earlier than I expected."
    Her youthful beauty and innocence cast an ethereal glow around the gloomy study; her presence filled the room with an energy that seemed to defy the centuries-old oak table that dominated the space.
    "Is there something you'd like to talk to me about, Sister?" I said, noticing how her pale cheeks had flushed pink. "Mother Bridget tells me you've been having second thoughts about taking your final vows. You know that whatever you tell me is bound by absolute secrecy and..."
    "There is something," she mumbled, cutting me off. With a shaky breath, she stood and approached me, her hands trembling as she looked up at me, her eyes wide with surprise and a hint of fear, but also with something else... something that made my prick throb with excitement.
    "Go on my child." I said, gently coaxing her to reveal all.
    "Father...I must confess... I have been struggling with... with unholy desires."
    I nodded. "I see. Desires about...another man?"
    She blushed. "Yes. Desires that I cannot control, that seem to defy all reason and morality. Desires that I fear will lead me astray. You see...I have been fantasising about..."
    I took her hands. "It's alright, Sister Lucy. You can tell ...