1. Passion in Holy Orders

    Date: 7/25/2024, Categories: First Time Author: bySentinelX, Source: Literotica

    My name is Father James Reilly and I am a 73-year old Catholic priest. I have helped many lost sheep over the years, in my own unique way, and brought them closer to God. I still had much work to do...
    I enjoyed my job as parish priest of Addlefold, a sleepy but not quite dead English village, a few miles north of Hereford. I was also chaplain and confessor to the nuns of Addlefold Priory, a relic from a bygone age. There were only a handful of nuns there now. Most were old hags, and bitter with it. I'd clashed with the Prioress Mother Bridget over the Priory's refusal to modernise, on more than one occasion.
    Today, I was looking forward to visiting the Priory, as they had a new recruit, whom I was eager to get to know. Lucy Barnes was the first novitiate at the Order of St. Cecilia for thirty years. I'd only seen her a couple of times during previous visits. She seemed incredibly shy, and had led a very sheltered life long before she came here. Twenty and pretty, she had not yet taken her final vows and her parents wanted her to delay doing so. But she'd been in the convent for almost three years and claimed it was the happiest she had ever been. I was curious as to just how happy she really was.
    I drove down the leafy lane that led to the priory. It was then that I suddenly realised how desperately I needed to relieve myself. I'd enjoyed a couple of beers earlier and neglected to visit the gents before departing. Now God was punishing me. The motion of the car ...
    ... did not help my full bladder one bit. I parked the car in front of the walled garden, seeking a convenient place to answer the call of nature. I adjusted my clerical collar and glanced round. It was unusually quiet on this pleasant spring afternoon, and there was no-one in sight. Usually one of the nuns was tending to the goats in the grounds.
    I hurried over to the wall. At at this point, I couldn't have held my piss in a moment longer, and I quickly unbuttoned my black cassock, unzipped the fly of my trousers, pulled out my cock and began to pee heavily against the brickwork. Immediately, I felt an enormous relief, as the tension left me. As my torrential stream of piss surged forth, I got the overwhelming feeling that I was being watched. From the corner of my eye, I caught sight of a figure peering from the side of the stone outbuilding to my right. I smiled to myself. Not wanting to let my voyeur know I was aware of her presence, I calmly continued emptying my bladder, but took a step back and began stroking my cock.
    Eventually, my golden fountain dwindled and I let out a breathy sigh of relief. I gave my cock a good, long shake, and let it swing freely for a bit, before finally tucking it back into my trousers and zipping up. I glanced around again. My voyeur let out a gasp and darted out of sight; I could hear the sound of hurried footsteps and then a gate slamming shut.
    "Interesting. Very interesting."
    Inside the Priory, I had the usual lecture from Mother ...