1. Fixing Up Annie's Cabin

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Mature Author: byCT38

    ... said out of nowhere.
    "You know I'm a virgin, right Annie?" I joked.
    She punched me in the arm and said, "too bad you're not, it might have been fun to have been your first!"
    I really didn't know how to respond to that. Was she propositioning me -- or more likely just teasing me? She had crafted a pretty good riddle on that one. She would have had sex with me if I were a virgin, but since I'm not, does that mean she's not interested? The whole thing got my mind spinning a little.
    "Seriously though, what's going on with you?" she persisted.
    I told her in broad terms about my dating life in college. I'd had a long-term girlfriend, but our sex life hadn't been that great. She had a lot of hangups and I was pretty inexperienced. I'd dated a few other women in school and probably could have seen more action, but -- unlike others at school -- I'm OK with giving them some space and not pressing things forward too quickly.
    "Jake, that means you're a good guy and that you've got a lot saved up for some very lucky girl," she said as she snuggled against me more firmly.
    "You know Annie, we've been talking about me a lot, but what about you?"
    "Well I don't know how to tell you this, but I'm not a virgin either."
    "C'mon Annie, what's your story?"
    She went on to tell me that being a teacher in a small town makes things a bit complicated as far as dating goes.
    "I guess it wouldn't be that bad if I had one guy that I'd be with exclusively for several years, ...
    ... but just dating different guys gets people talking. I mean if I knew that the 'next guy' would be the one, it wouldn't be a big deal, but it's hard to shop around when you're in a bit of a spotlight."
    "So how do you handle that?"
    "Not very well quite honestly. I don't feel like I have a normal dating life. Don't get me wrong, I get out there and definitely have some fun, but I have to be more careful than most."
    "Damn Annie, that's a bummer."
    "Jake, you don't know the half of it. What I'm going to share with you is very personal and it's got to stay between us, OK?"
    "Absolutely, you know you can trust me." I said.
    "I know, and I love you for that. I mean it." Said Annie.
    She re-lit the joint and took another hit and passed it over to me.
    "I know this is probably every schoolboy's fantasy, but it's true. Your teacher has a really high sex drive."
    "Absolutely. I get so bad that my doctor has me on anti-depressants to help calm down my sex drive." She blushed slightly. "I only stay on them during the school year since that's the only symptom it's treating. Summer is my 'wild time'," she said with a grin.
    "So you're off them now? How are you holding up? I don't see a lot of eligible bachelors coming down the stream here," I chuckled.
    "Well, you're right about that. I sometimes resort to other -- let's say mechanical -- means to keep me from going crazy. The clerk at the local market must be wondering why I've been buying so many ...