1. Fixing Up Annie's Cabin

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Mature Author: byCT38, Source: Literotica

    Studying for finals should have been a breeze this semester since it was the last one of my senior year. I only had three classes and none of them were going to be too difficult. Problem was that I found my mind wandering quite a bit and had trouble remaining focused on the present. These exams meant very little since I already had a job lined up -- I just needed to make sure that I didn't fail them.
    My new job wouldn't start until September which was partly a drag and partly an opportunity. I wouldn't have any money coming in and I really could use it. I had a little bit saved up, but it wasn't enough to live on. The upside was that I'd have three months off between graduation and working -- when else would I have that much time off ever again? But what would I do with all that time if I didn't have any money?
    My phone started buzzing and I was grateful for the (legitimate) distraction. I was even more grateful when I saw who it was.
    "Hey Annie, what's up?"
    "Am I interrupting your scholarly pursuits -- or any other pursuits for that matter college boy?"
    I had such an easy friendship with Annie, she felt free to tease me about lots of things -- in part because she was older than me and had been through all of this herself 15 or so years ago. We first 'met' when I was just four years old. She was a student at a local teacher's college and was looking to pick up some extra bank by babysitting. My parents (and I) took an immediate liking to her and she became a ...
    ... close family friend.
    After she graduated, she was hired by my local elementary school of all places. By the time I got to fourth grade she had been teaching for five years and was already one of the best teachers in the school and favorite among students and parents alike.
    She had a confident yet friendly demeanor. Her easygoing attitude on the outside belied the preparation and hard work she did behind the scenes to make her classroom a great place for learning. She truly cared about her kids -- all of us, whether we were good students or not. And we all loved her right back. There was never anyone that acted up in her class because she knew how to handle all of us individually. And for some of us there was probably an extra reason we were so well behaved. We were totally in love with her!
    You see Ms. Simmons was a knockout. You know how you can be attracted to your teacher even at a young age, even if you're not exactly sure why? Of course she knew we were smitten and probably thought it was cute.
    "Nah, I'm glad you called. I've been staring at the same page of this book for 15 minutes which means I can probably use a break."
    "I can't believe you'll be graduating in a few weeks! You know your parents invited me to come along with them for the ceremony. I hope you don't mind."
    "Of course not! It wouldn't be the same without you here -- hell if it weren't for you, I don't think I'd be graduating at all."
    By the time I got to fourth grade, I was doing pretty ...