1. Fixing Up Annie's Cabin

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Mature Author: byCT38, Source: Literotica

    ... daylight hours and at night we would have our fun -- lots of fun! Annie asked me if I needed to take care of anything before we got started outside and I told her I thought it was best to "save it for later."
    "I like the way you think, Jake!" she smiled
    The work that day involved scraping down the clapboards on the side of the house that we'd soon be repainting. Annie had wisely rented a scaffold for us to work off of which also allowed us to work side-by-side. Luckily there's no lead paint on the clapboards, so we could work without protective gear and masks. That would make the conversations much easier.
    We turned on some music, gathered our tools, climbed up on the staging and quickly got to work.
    As we started working, Annie mentioned that we hadn't actually talked specifically about last night and whether our clear-headed selves wanted to continue what those two stoned maniacs had started.
    "I think I know your answer, but this is just too important for us not to be clear about," she said.
    "No, you're right and I agree with that. I'm all in on this and so goddamn excited that I can't think straight." I replied.
    "That's music to my ears, Jake! One more thing I'll mention though, if either of us ever feels like this is getting out of hand -- or has regrets, we have to speak up. That's the only way that this will work, agreed?" she asked.
    "Definitely, though I have a hard time imagining that will ever happen," I responded.
    She gave me a beautiful ...
    ... smile and I noticed that she had not put on her bra after breakfast. With her scraping off the old paint from the siding, her boobs were getting a great workout underneath her tee shirt. The friction was also making her nipples stand out nicely.
    "I really like the feeling," she said, reading my mind (or catching my stare), "and it's nice to let these puppies out of their cage every now and then for some exercise!"
    I loved how comfortable she was about talking about things like this. We had always communicated pretty openly, but not about things like this obviously. This was really helping me open up as well.
    "You know, I've fantasized about being with you for quite a long time," I admitted.
    "Yeah, I've had that suspicion, and the feeling is mutual," she confided. "Though it hasn't been going on for me nearly as long -- that would have been downright creepy and illegal!" she laughed. "But over the past year or so, I've really started to take notice of you as a man and wondering what it might be like."
    "My only concern is that I'm not really that experienced and I'm afraid of disappointing you," I admitted.
    "That's natural but let me say this to you. I could tell from your kiss last night that you have it. In my experience, that's the most important indicator. If someone is a good kisser, and has an open mind, then the sky's the limit. Put away your worries, we're going to have an incredible time. Remember, I'm a licensed teacher."
    With that we both broke ...