1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... tresses of golden blonde hair were usually bound up in a simple braid or bun they too had been altered, left instead to fall in unfettered waves which reached her shoulders and beyond. Perhaps most stunningly of all, the scent of fresh wildflowers hung heavy in the air around her, both soaked up from the bath in which she had recently washed away the day's grit and grime as well as emanating from a large pink bloom delicately tucked into her hair above one ear.
    Steeling herself with one last deep breath, lovely Sienna reached out to rap her knuckles twice on the stout oak door before her, the resulting sound echoing away down the otherwise silent corridor in which she stood.
    “Enter,” the emissary's unfamiliar voice called back, carrying through the door and into the hallway with ease. It was the first time his assailant had actually heard him speak, she realized with a blush, and that voice alone made clear why the man had been ***********ed to represent his sovereign. With no more than a single word his tone had managed to convey both an unflinching sense of authority and the self-assured confidence of an adult casually dismissing an unduly precocious child.
    Instinctively ducking her head in the face of such a powerful presence, Sienna reached out to open the old wooden door. Its hinges made barely a whisper of protest as she slipped through and swiftly sealed that barrier behind herself once more, only then turning to survey her new surroundings. The chamber was ...
    ... largely unremarkable, a modestly-sized if well-appointed space dominated by a massive four poster bed. To one side of that centerpiece lurked a night table covered in an assortment of little bottles, no doubt various tonics and cures which had been offered up to the wounded guest. A large armoire, a pair of overstuffed leather chairs, and a well-stocked writing desk completed the room's furnishings, the last positioned beneath its sole window.
    It was over that desk that the Etraskian emissary stood when his guest entered, his back to the chamber's entrance as he looked over a few scattered documents. In a way Sienna was rather impressed that the man retained enough confidence to leave himself so casually vulnerable despite the events of the day. No doubt he was as aware as she that some less scrupulous courts might respond to the situation her father's found itself in by arranging for his disappearance and hoping the Emperor would believe that his servant had been waylayed by bandits or met some such unsavoury fate.
    Unsure what greeting could possibly be appropriate for such an encounter as that in which she found herself engaged, Sienna opted to simply announce herself with nothing more than a demure cough and then wait with her hands folded formally behind her back until the ambassador was ready to address her. Seconds seemed to stretch into minutes and then hours as he finished reading over whatever document held his attention until at last he set it aside and turned ...