1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... to prevent the destruction of this realm of ours, daughter.” The Duke's voice was firm, his will absolute as he held Sienna's wavering gaze. “Am I understood?”
    The maiden knight felt weak at the knees and in the stomach, her heart suddenly pounding beneath one breast. But as she looked into her lord father's eyes she could tell there would be no swaying his decision. And as much as she wanted to scream out her refusal, to slap him across the face for even suggesting such an affront to her honour, she knew that he loved her far too much to make such a demand of her had he even a single alternative. Worse, in her heart she knew it was... fair. It had been her mistake and no one else's which had brought the executioner's blade to his neck and that of each and every one of his subjects. Should the Empire invade they would be helpless to resist its might. Hundreds, maybe thousands, would die and countless more suffer under the callous rule for which their powerful neighbour was known. The misery of so many would be her responsibility. Thus, if it was within her power to forestall such a dismal fate for those she had sworn to protect, by whatever means, then duty demanded nothing less of her.
    “I... I understand, father.” Sienna could feel the heat rising in her cheeks, father and daughter each knowing what would be demanded of her. What she was agreeing to.
    “Then go. Prepare yourself. I must make another visit with the doctors soon.”
    Sienna wanted nothing more than ...
    ... to flee from the hall, hell, from the entire Duchy. But she was a lady and a knight. So she would do no such thing. Instead she turned in place, striding from the hall with a steady, even pace and her chin held high even as she dreaded what the night before her held in store.
    * That Evening *
    By the time Lady Sienna found herself standing before the door to Silverwing Keep's finest guest chamber, one currently assigned to a certain imperial visitor, a nearly full moon had risen high in the night sky. That bright evening jewel bathed the castle corridor around the young noblewoman in a blanket of silvery light which seemed to ebb and flow like the tides. But then, perhaps such a perception was caused by nothing more than the pounding of her own heart and a fear that within each and every shadow lurked a witness to her hesitant advance.
    Had any such witnesses truly been present they would have been treated to a rare sight indeed as no longer did Sienna look the part of a valiant knight. Instead of the polished armour which usually obscured her feminine figure, the unusually shy maiden was adorned only in nightclothes befitting a lady of her stature. A loose chemise trimmed with delicate lace hung from her shoulders, its pale pink silk opaque around her breasts but tantalizingly sheer everywhere below. Visible beneath it was yet more lace in the form of her frilliest knickers, a truly impractical garment which clung uncomfortably tight around her hips. Where her long ...