1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... much in the way of brains, but one had to respect that she seemed to have no shortage of backbone. It was a curious combination which left her not entirely unlike a wild mare, Hyacin mused.
    β€œI see.” The baron paused dramatically at that 'news', taking a long sip of his recently refilled wine while savouring the aura of obvious discomfort which radiated out from the young woman beside him. β€œThen, and please, forgive my impertinence, do you know who the father is?” Maintaining an air of aloof curiosity as Sienna's eyes flared with outrage took every last shred of self-restraint in Hyacin's arsenal, but he managed the feat. For just a moment after speaking, he was convinced that the mother of his latest child was about to hurl herself at him armed with naught but a dinner knife. But, In the end, she too maintained her composure, if only by the most tenuous of margins. Instead, the weapon of choice for her inevitable reprisal was limited to a voice which trembled with equal parts fury and shame.
    β€œI have only ever lain with a single man, your excellency.” The disgraced maiden put so much sting into those last two words it almost seemed as if she thought the baron needed a reminder who had sired the bastard growing in her womb. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Hyacin very much doubted either of them would ever forget the events of that fateful day.
    β€œIs that so?” the emissary idly mused, fighting back a smirk at the way his one time victim's eyes flared once ...
    ... more. Most men found anger unbecoming in a woman, and it was certainly a trait which could make one more difficult to manage, but to his eyes Sienna looked all the more fetching when she was riled up. β€œWell, your lover must have been a most fortunate man indeed to have shared the bed of such a fine and fair lady as yourself.” Whatever response the disgraced maiden had expected from the target of her wrath, clearly it had been something else. In the face of such an unexpected compliment her cheeks, which had only just begun to return to normal, darkened once more and she recoiled in surprise as if slapped.
    β€œI...” Sienna's gaze lowered to the table once more, all the fight draining out of her in an instant. It was as if the fierce spitfire he had been trading barbs with was gone and the vulnerable maiden she had always looked to be was there in her place. β€œI am glad to hear you feel that way.” By the time she fell quiet her voice had dropped to scarcely a whisper.
    Suddenly caught off guard himself, the ambassador leaned back in his chair and took a long moment to survey the beauty in question. β€œBut of course,” he finally answered, β€œI have little doubt that any man so fortunate as to spend an evening in your company would consider the experience among the most precious of his treasures.”
    β€œI hope so, Milord,” Sienna replied. As she spoke, her bright eyes slowly began to track back up towards Hyacin's face. β€œI confess, I have...” by the time her gaze had finally met his ...