1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... fashion. No, instead of the usual pageantry which celebrated the imminent birth of a new royal the arrival of such a bastard would have prompted only awkward silences and determined avoidance, it's very existence a source of shame every bit as undeniable as it was unspoken. Given Sienna's station in her homeland he imagined few men indeed would have been bold enough to remark upon it at all, but he had nothing to fear from the likes of her.
    “Why, on your condition, of course,” The ambassador blithely explained. As the blonde's eyes went wide from shock he just kept on smiling, casually lifting his glass as if in toast before gulping down what remained of its contents.
    “I... that's...” Sienna's cheeks flushed as dark as the wine Hyacin had just drank, his explanation leaving her speechless. The emissary had always found that highborn ladies expected such delicate topics to be broached only with the utmost discretion. He had also always found that the sight of them floundering when caught off guard by an abrupt, direct inquiry was one of life's true delights. Fortunately, despite her frequently unladylike inclinations Sienna proved to be no exception to that particular rule.
    As the wide-eyed noblewoman fell into a fit of furious stammering it struck Hyacin that he might actually be growing a little fond of the brat. She was quite pretty when not playing soldier, he mused, and responded nearly as spectacularly to being teased as his long-lamented little sister once ...
    ... had. It was rather endearing.
    By the time Sienna finally succeeded in collecting herself her cheeks were practically blazing and she no longer seemed able to meet the baron's eyes, instead fixing her gaze somewhere on the table between them. “Thank you, your excellency,” she eventually managed to grind out, though the manner in which she did so made her true feelings perfectly clear.
    “You are most welcome, milady,” Hyacin replied with a gracious nod. When he reached down to pluck up a small fruit from the plate before him the fallen maiden began to turn away, no doubt thinking, or at least hoping, that their conversation had run its course. That escape was never realized, however, as no sooner had the emissary popped the carefully ***********ed delicacy into his mouth than he carried on. “But, and do forgive me if I am misinformed, are you not unmarried? I would have thought news of your matrimony would reach the empire.”
    Though it had hardly seemed possible a few moments before, Sienna's one visible cheek darkened yet further as she haltingly turned back towards her neighbour. “You are correct, milord. As yet I have not been so fortunate as to find a husband.” The girl's voice had gone oddly stiff all of a sudden, but Hyacin was surprised to find her once more meeting his gaze. And unless he was reading her entirely wrong, quite the rare mistake for a man of his position and experience, it almost seemed as if she were... challenging him. The brat may not have possessed ...