1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... scantily-clad knight stiffly replied, holding her hand out for its customary kiss once the foreigner had straightened up. He obliged with an impossibly warm smile that left Sienna's heart fluttering nervously as his intent gaze never left her face.
    “My dear lady Sienna, I see no courtiers present who we must impress with our embrace of proper decorum. Please, I think my name alone shall suffice this evening,” the baron suggested after releasing her hand, only the slightest hint of amusement leaking through his facade of friendly sincerity.
    “As you wish, ba... Hyacin.” Somehow, just saying the ambassador's name aloud was enough to send a subtle ripple down Sienna's spine. They were all but strangers, and each of not insignificant station, so addressing one another with such familiarity felt almost... intimate. It was as if she were about to give herself to a betrothed rather than a dishonourable predator who had effectively taken everything and everyone she cared about hostage.
    “There, now was that so hard, Sienna?” the man asked, a less-than-subtle smirk blossoming on his face. As much as she wanted to snap at him that it was, the young knight knew better than to let such a petty jab get to her. She would soon have to endure far more than mockery, after all. So, rather than lash out, she merely bit her lip and gave a gentle shake of the head.
    “Good, I feel more comfortable already,” Baron Hyacin declared. Lifting one hand to his opposite shoulder and ...
    ... giving that joint an absentminded roll, he casually turned back to the writing desk which had held his attention when Sienna first entered the room. With her silently watching, he efficiently gathered up the various pages of parchment waiting there, rolled them up into a collection of slender tubes, and then swiftly tucked each one into a case which sat to one side. Only once he had finished did he turn back around and flash his visitor what she imagined was supposed to be an apologetic smile.
    “As flattered as I am by your visit and as charming as your company has been, I fear I have little more time this evening to spare on idle conversation, my dear. Even on horseback a trip back to the imperial court will take more than a few days and it is imperative that my report on recent events be delivered with all haste. I'm sure you understand,” Hyacin explained, his unspoken threat hanging heavy in the air. “As a matter of fact, I was just getting ready to retire when you arrived. Today's events have left me rather drained, I fear, and so it is probably time I bid you the very finest of evenings and send you on your way. Unless, of course, you care to join me?” he asked as breezily as if he were inviting a friend to tea. As the diplomat aired that 'offer', his eyes drifted over to the bed which dominated one side of the chamber before returning to once more match Sienna's. The glance was impossibly casual, one which spoke of immense confidence in matters both of state and the ...