1. Making Amends

    Date: 7/23/2024, Categories: Fantasy Coercion Domination/submission Erotica First Time Male Domination, Male/Female Older Male / Female, Spanking, Virginity Author: AnonTheMouseKing, Source: sexstories.com

    ... become even more so given enough time...”
    The ambassador's proposition was more or less in line with what Sienna had expected to hear. He and his superiors in the imperial court would naturally milk the crisis she had prompted for every advantage it could grant them and threaten her father with war if he resisted their demands. It was galling, certainly, to hear a pampered aristocrat who knew nothing of battle dismiss the knights she had fought and bled alongside for years as nothing more than a minor obstacle, but she could hardly dispute such an assertion. His homeland could field a hundred warriors for each one her own put forward and in all likelihood the Empire would still have plenty of reserves to spare. No amount of skill, valour, or cunning could overcome such odds for long.
    “In light of the fate which befell my companions, however,” the ambassador frowned, “there are many back home who would view any such arrangement as too great a risk to seriously consider. If we were to send imperial subjects into your territory without an army to protect them, after all, they would then be at the mercy of the very same knights who have already attacked us once. As such, I could only propose such a treaty to His Imperial Majesty and the closed council were I myself convinced that this morning's incident was not emblematic of any prejudice or grudge which House Terracroix harbours against the Empire.”
    Sienna's jaw tightened and her back stiffened at the knowledge of just ...
    ... how the ambassador expected to be convinced of such an absence. She had already committed herself, though, and no amount of personal pride or shame would compel her to abandon the defense of her people by whatever means presented themselves. Thus, standing ramrod straight, the young knight mustered as much stoicism as she could and looked her opponent straight in the eye. “I assure you, your excellency, that neither I nor any member of my family bears you, your sovereign, or your nation any amount of ill will. The Leithien Duchy has always striven to live in peace with its neighbours.” Sienna couldn't quite suppress a subtle gulp before adding, “And, as I have already stated, I am prepared to do whatever is required of me in correcting any notions to the contrary.”
    “I am delighted to hear you say so,” the ambassador replied, his tone reverting to honey-sweet so swiftly that Sienna caught herself blinking in surprise. “But please, enough with the formality. As we have yet to be officially introduced, I beg you permit me the honour of doing so myself.” Though it hardly seemed necessary in such a private setting, before his counterpart could even reply the diplomat surprised her with a full, almost theatrical bow. “I am Baron Hyacin Lyselliol III of the Lacanth Marches, Emissary of the Imperial Crown and knight in good standing of the Argent Order. It is the greatest of pleasures to make your acquaintance, Lady Sienna of House Terracroix.”
    “The honour is mine, Baron,” the ...