1. 12 - Helka Leaves, Glenys Is Concerned

    Date: 7/22/2024, Categories: Threesomes, Author: VeeJay45, Source: LushStories

    ... he bought a house ... with his ex-girlfriend!"
    "Wow! I'm so sorry, Glen. How long were you together?"
    "Oh, about a year. But he kept his rented flat and was seeing his ex every other weekend! Now they're buying a house together! Bastard!" she said, with a touch of venom. Then, she started to cry. Now, I was nineteen and she was in her late thirties and I had no experience in comforting an older lady crying.
    "Are you OK, Glenys?" was my first offering.
    "Not really, Vee, but I'll get over it," Then, she looked over at me and beckoned me to give her a hug. "Ahh, Vee, that's nice." As we drew apart, she kissed me. Much like last time, it was a straightforward kiss on the lips but, this time, she lingered. She kissed me again, with more urgency, and, suddenly, we were in a passionate embrace. Finally, we broke apart and tried to continue our training session but the work atmosphere had dissipated. So, we packed our books and papers away and went back to the work section.____________________________________Later that week, Glenys called me over to her desk."Vee, I've been thinking that we're both in a slump. So why don't you come to my place for a meal and a few drinks to cheer ourselves up?"I replied, "I'm not sure that'll be a good idea, we're work colleagues and it might be awkward?""Nonsense," she said, "it'll be OK, just a couple of workmates having a drink."Well, I was feeling a bit low since Helka's departure so I said, "Yeah, OK, why not?" and we set a time and ...
    ... date to meet.
    The day came around for my dinner date with Glenys. I was a little nervous as our meeting point was in an area of North London that I didn't know. As a consequence, my nervousness arose from NOT knowing an escape route if things weren't going so well!When I got to the pub, Glenys was already there, sitting at a table by a window, away from the crowded bar. I mimed 'getting a drink' to her and, finally, I made it to the table."You OK?" I said. She replied with a smile and then we got to talking."No work talk, OK?" she said. I laughed at the thought. So, we chatted about random things, the latest news, how hot it had been, and how many insects we had crushed beneath our feet in the hot weather! All light-hearted stuff. We drained our glasses and left the pub."I'm parked around the corner," she said. This was an odd concept for me, a date with someone who had a car! It cut into my plans for escape if it was going badly, I wouldn't know where the hell I was! On the journey to Glenys' house, I made a mental note of a few reference markers, just in case.
    We arrived at a large three-storey Victorian terraced house on a steep road, an impressive house. Glenys said she rents the ground floor and there are two flats upstairs, one on each floor.
    Entering the lounge, Glenys said, "Make yourself comfortable," and she disappeared into the kitchen. She brought in a cup of coffee and our conversation was basically calling out to ...