1. 12 - Helka Leaves, Glenys Is Concerned

    Date: 7/22/2024, Categories: Threesomes, Author: VeeJay45, Source: LushStories

    ... end, my assessment was a success but I was to be monitored by my mentor to ensure my next appraisal would be a complete success. This meant more training sessions on procedures with Glenys.
    My first training session with Glenys passed by uneventfully. Obviously, she was aware of issues that was affecting all of us in London but not of any personal problems. But she did ask so I told her about my summer of romance and that it had come to an end. Of course, I didn't reveal all of the sexy details but Glenys now knew that I was in a sad situation after my girlfriend had gone back home.
    So, work just jogged on, day by day, week by week, with Glenys keeping an eye on my work performance. One month on, it was time for my reappraisal. Glenys called me into the training room and asked me to sit down to carry out a series of written tests. She sat opposite me, preparing her marking process. As I was poring over the paperwork, I raised a problem with a test that I couldn't quite get my head around. Glenys came to my desk and stood behind me to read out the issue. I was still trying to get a grip on the problem when she leaned forward over my shoulder to point out some notes I had made.
    It was then that I caught a whiff of her perfume and, with her long red nails tapping on my paperwork, I started to feel a stirring in my trousers! I turned my head to face her as if to say, yes, I understand now. But she leaned into me and kissed me! Then, she withdrew.
    "Vee," she said, ...
    ... "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that! Please forgive me!"
    "It's OK," I replied, "don't worry about it." I had noticed the top two buttons of her blouse were undone, but this time, I noticed that, maybe, a third button was undone and I could see the top edge of her lacy bra and a little bit of cleavage! I turned my head away and got back to my work, Glenys returned to her desk, ready to mark my work for the appraisal.
    A week or so later, Glenys called me into the training room to go through a new procedure. The training script was displayed on 8mm film, to be shown by a film projector. For the best effect, lights have to be turned off and curtains drawn to stop reflections from the windows. And so the training session began.
    The content of the training film was boring but detailed so, we had pause the film to check our booklet. We should have each had a booklet but we only had the one. This meant that we had to sit close together at a table. As we were going over the book, there was plenty of contact of elbows and knees and plenty of apologies until we descended into fits of laughter. We put the training things away and sat down for a chat.
    "How's things?" began Glenys.
    "Oh, just pretty fed up, really," I replied. "Since my girlfriend went back to Germany, I haven't had any interest in going out."
    "That's a shame! I'm pretty much the same," she said. "My boyfriend who didn't want to move in with me? Well, the reason was ...