1. Quarantined with Kell, Part I

    Date: 7/22/2024, Categories: Fiction Incest Male / Older Female, Romance Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... privacy.
    “Come on, Jacob, please relax. It's going to be okay. Do you want pizza, Chinese, or Mexican?”
    “Pizza,” I said. I pulled out my phone and made a list of things to buy at the store tomorrow or to fetch from storage. I had a plan – or the beginnings of one. That was all I needed. Now I could relax.
    I wandered back over to my beer and took a swig. Kell was sitting on the love seat, so I intentionally sat down on the couch.
    “Bet you didn’t expect this when you moved out here,” Kell finally said, breaking the silence.
    “No,” I said. “This was the last thing on my mind.”
    The corners of Kell’s mouth turned down just a bit at that, then she rallied and shot me a big grin.
    “You mean you didn’t move out here just to be nearer to me?” It was said with just enough goofiness to be taken as a joke, but just enough seriousness in her eyes to make me pause.
    I hesitated. That chink in the brick wall between me and my feelings for Kell grew a smidge.
    “I . . .” I stammered for a second. “I was excited that one of my options was near a family member. I wanted to be away from home, but being nearer to you was a lot less scary than being all alone in a strange place. And . . .”
    I paused. I considered what role Kell might have played in my thought process. I was Mr. Planning. I had my official story straight, but maybe there had been some underlying motives I held in my heart that didn’t make it into the spreadsheet I showed the world.
    My hesitation filled ...
    ... the room.
    The doorbell rang. Pizza guy. Saved by the bell.
    I paid the pizza guy and Kell came back with dishes and napkins. I moved towards the dining table, but Kell set up on the coffee table next to the love seat. I took a seat next to her. My legs touched hers.
    She cut two slices and handed one to me then started flipping through options on Netfix.
    We debated what to watch, and finally decided on a subtitled foreign thriller. We both liked foreign film – that was a plus.
    We finished the pizza in relative silence watching the movie. When we were done eating I leaned back. Kell leaned back. About halfway through the movie, she leaned against me and put her head on my shoulder.
    “It’s nice to have you around, even if it’s not under the best circumstances. And I’m glad you moved out here.”
    I smiled and put my arm around her shoulder. Her hair cascaded around my neck and shoulders. I could faintly smell her perfume.
    We had sat like this before, in the intervening years since our dalliance on the beach, and it never meant anything. I didn’t give it too much of a second thought. Or did I?
    Kell put a hand on my knee, her forearm resting against the top of my leg.
    I was intensely aware of her, of her warm body next to me. I couldn’t deny that I wanted her. But it was wrong.
    I looked down at her – her hair, her face, her breasts that moved slowly as she breathed, her legs curled under her like a cat. She was beautiful.
    On the television screen, the ...