1. Quarantined with Kell, Part I

    Date: 7/22/2024, Categories: Fiction Incest Male / Older Female, Romance Author: JackDRipper, Source: sexstories.com

    ... me. It bothered me that she didn't see what we did as wrong.
    “I can't believe you would bring that up,” I repeated to Bridget, trying to sound annoyed.
    “Whatever. I'm sorry,” she said. “You need a place to stay for awhile, you can stay with her. When this blows over, you can make another arrangement. But for now, you're stuck. So relax. We'll videochat tomorrow and you can let me know how you are doing. Have fun.”
    The way she said “have fun” grated on me.
    Kell had moved away and was standing next to the concourse windows, looking out. She wore a tank top over yoga pants. She looked good. I couldn’t deny I would love to continue where we left off that night on the beach.
    No…no...no...no...that’s wrong...
    Something stirred in my heart. Something else stirred in my pants and I realized I was heading towards an erection. I cleared my mind and it softened just enough not to be obvious.
    I walked to Kell and handed her the phone. Kell said a few more words with Bridget, then hung up.
    There was no way this was going to work out. Kell and I were polar opposites in many respects. She was a liberal arts major, I was business major. She was an artist, I was an accountant. She lived in a studio apartment, I had lived in a walkout garden apartment. She was a night owl, I was an early bird. She was bisexual – preferring men but open to women. I was purely straight. She was freewheeling and live-by-the-moment, up for anything. I was button-down, organized to ...
    ... a fault. She laughed about our tryst at the beach – and I wasn't sure she wouldn't try it again if she had the chance. I was bewildered I had almost had sex with my aunt.
    How the hell were we going to live together in a space with no privacy? Would she try to repeat our earlier dalliance? Would I?
    Kell put an arm around my shoulders.
    “Come on, roomie, let's retrieve your luggage and go home.”
    When we went to the counter we found out that my ticket was non-refundable, my luggage was already on the plane, and my gear wouldn't be back until a return flight tomorrow. I threw my hands up and we went home.
    My aunt's apartment is pretty huge, but at the moment, it felt really tiny. The entire place looked and felt like my aunt. There was no place for me. How was I going to survive the quarantine?
    Kell pulled out a couple of beers, opened them, and handed one to me. We sat down on the couch.
    “Tomorrow we'll figure things out. For now, let's just relax. Do you want to order something for dinner?”
    “Sure,” I murmured, lost in thought. My mind was running a mile a minute. Maybe Kell could just relax and worry about things tomorrow, but that wasn't my style. I need to figure out a plan. Once I had a strategy, I could relax. Plan and execute. That was how I rolled. I got up and wandered over to an open space near her studio where we had dropped my carry on. There was just enough room for a bed and a small chest. A couple of folding screens could provide some ...