1. Double Penetration and More

    Date: 7/21/2024, Categories: Group Sex Author: byx_Crunki_x, Source: Literotica

    ... straddling James with her back to him. Her fucked-out pussy throbbed at the feeling of having his firm, warm body between her thighs.
    He gently pushed her to lay back, James' arms automatically wrapping around her body from behind to touch and feel in the way he loves to.
    James' cock slipped against her slick sex, desperate to fill her up. Michael guided his aching tip, grinning when James sunk himself in her centimeter by centimeter. His hips bucked in quick, short bursts, each pulling a moan from her. Michael swatted at his inner thigh.
    "Still, just one more second."
    He settled between her thighs again, the tip of him pushing against where James' already deep inside. It struck her that he didn't mean for both of her holes to be filled, instead he wanted to fill one to the brim. Stormy eyes settled on hers, giving her the space to tap out. Cold thrill washed over her skin.
    "Please." She whispered.
    "Such a good girl."
    He pushed further, alongside James' cock. He read her body language with near clairvoyance, easing up when pain overtook pleasure, and pushing in when she was ready.
    It escalated too quickly for her to realize once she was completely, blissfully, filled. Michael and James began moving, countering each other, one sliding in while the other slid out.
    "Nngh, tight fucking fit babe." James grunted.
    Body still adjusting, her pussy would force out one or the other. Michael persisted, guiding them both back inside each time.
    Unlike ...
    ... other kinds of sex where she could roll her hips, ride, or counter James' movements, she was rendered helpless. Control was taken out of her hands completely, the only option was to be held in place and ravaged.
    Overwhelmed, her pussy drooled on their cocks. The insane stretch knocked the breath out of her. Lips kissed against her neck and chest, hands roamed her body. They traded off between grabbing what they wanted and holding her in place.
    "Mike-," James called out, "am I doing well?"
    Her boyfriend could be a golden retriever, when he felt like it. "Let's see."
    Michael took a gentle hold of her face, making her focus on him.
    "Does his cock measure up to mine? Does he fuck you like I can? Tell us how good it is."
    For a moment she wasn't sure she could get an answer out through her own moaning. She tried, getting out a broken yes yes yes!
    "Did you hear that? You might just pass. But, I think you just wanted to hear it."
    He panted with how his breath ran from him.
    "You have an amazing cock, Jay."
    "Fuck, fuck."
    James rasped into her ear, thrusting into her harder than Michael was. Maybe the lesson paid off, or maybe her g-spot was impossible to miss with them filling her so completely. But her legs trembled, on the brink of going numb.
    "Make me cum, please!"
    They both took it as a plea, and gave her what she needed. She gushed again, trembling between two muscled bodies, screaming their names. She called for them so much that it made her ...