1. Double Penetration and More

    Date: 7/21/2024, Categories: Group Sex Author: byx_Crunki_x, Source: Literotica

    Michael led the second toast of the night, clinking glasses with James and herself. Fine wine warmed her from the inside out, lightened her body like a feather. Not too much, the perfect amount of tipsy. It empowered her eyes to wander more than usual.
    Kitchen light bounced off James' high cheekbones. Michael's long fingers wrapped around his wine glass. The meat being served was not the same meat she kept thinking about.
    "The two of you make a gorgeous couple. The rest of the team had a bet going, of how long it would take."
    Michael grinned, mischief simmering beneath it. "I won, by the way"
    "Sheesh," James ran a hand over his reddening face. "How much?"
    "Enough for this well aged vintage." He swirled the wine in his glass.
    It's true, getting together with James took time. Will they, or won't they? It played out obviously enough for the rest of Team Michael to bet on it. Not so obvious however, was the reason it took so long.
    A phone's ring interrupted the conversation. Michael glanced away from her, and stood from the table.
    "Sorry, I should take that. Excuse me for a moment."
    Once she was confident Michael was out of earshot, she hid part of her face behind a protective hand.
    "Oh my God, that's embarrassing."
    James radiated a warmth, a soft constant, that always sent her heart racing. This time was no different, not with how he took that protective hand in his own.
    "Don't hide your pretty face from me."
    "Ugh," she ...
    ... whined.
    Her boyfriend turned to her, putting his free hand on her thigh and giving it a soft squeeze. The simple contact shot warmth straight up her leg, to the space between her thighs.
    "Don't do that!"
    Dark eyes flicker up and down her body.
    "One glass of wine made you horny?"
    "It's not only that. It just doesn't help, y'know? Being alone with both of you-" she trailed off.
    James flashed a smile. "Mike does look really good tonight."
    "Right?? He's so hot, it's not fair."
    A sigh escaped her lips, at the same time she came to a realization.
    "Were you scoping him out too?"
    The break of eye contact and the way his smile widened gave him away. This was what held up the relationship in the first place, confusion over a shared attraction to someone who was neither of them.
    Instead of squeezing her thigh again, James settled for stroking it with his thumb.
    "I was wondering how many dates he takes back here, to his house. He definitely knows how to entertain guests."
    "If he takes dates back home, then-" she bit her lip, "I've heard enough rumors. He definitely knows how to fuck."
    The man's reputation precedes him in multiple senses, enough that she'd heard of his charm before meeting him. James laughed, a quiet snicker.
    "Do you want us to take lessons?"
    The idea brought heat to her face and she rolled her eyes, if only to avoid the gravitating eye contact.
    "Maybe. Like that would ever happen."
    "I'm flattered, truly."
    Both practically ...