1. Jake finds a book part 9

    Date: 7/20/2024, Categories: Fiction Bi-sexual Body modification, First Time Incest Job/Place-of-work Mind Control, Non-consensual sex Pregnant, Teen Male / Female Author: arcaine one, Source: sexstories.com

    ... tube. Quickly and professionally she climbed down off him to help.
    With gobs of cum rolling down her legs she got the mask off him and pulled the tubes out.
    In a soft ragged voice her said β€œ What's going on here?”
    Leaning over she kisses him on the mouth, a calm warmth spread over his body.
    With a smile she told him β€œ I fucked you out of a comma, you should be up and around in an hour or two. And I bet you can leave the hospital today. That is if all the other nurses don't keep you for a while, because of that massive dick of yours.”
    After cleaning her sopping cunt in the bathroom as best she could, the nurse left with a promise to send the duty nurse down to check on him.
    One floor down, Nurse Chapel stepped off the elevator and headed to room 408.
    In room 408 Lance Stafford dozed in a chair next to his mother. Charlotte Stafford a plain looking woman in her late 30’s sizes with IV tubes in both arms.
    Mrs. Stafford was a widow who was suffering from acute kidney failure. Her son had not left her side, Chapel knew he was such a good boy.
    His mom needed an organ donor, and he was not a match.
    β€œThe wait list is always long.” She thought to herself as she quietly entered the room.
    Chapel looked at the 18 year old boy as he dozed fitfully. Messy hair, glasses, bad acne, and scrawny. The poor kid was practically homely, her heart went out for him.
    Quiet as a cat the big chested nurse stole over and kissed the boy on the mouth.
    He woke ...
    ... with a start, as he looked at the smiling nurse he felt a warmth spread from his lips. The room was not as cold as it was moments ago.
    Confused, he whispered β€œ What was that for?”
    β€œ You just looked like you could use some affection.” The woman in white said as she ran her hand up his arm.
    Lance felt the hair on his arm stand up and, to his embarrassment, so did his cock.
    Nurse Chapel's smile grew bigger when she saw the young boy blush.
    She combed his hair with her fingers while saying β€œI know you are worried about your mom, I have a feeling things may be turning around for a lot of people soon.”
    Lance saw her face get blurry and became even more ashamed thinking he was crying again. Annoyed at himself he took off his glasses to rub his eyes.
    He found them dry, confused even more he looked at the petty nurse. He could see her face, even better than he could with his glasses on.
    While he had been distracted, Chapel had moved her hand to his chest and tweaked his nipple.
    It felt like a bolt of electricity went from her pinch to his dick! A drop of precum made a damp spot in his boxers.
    She took his glasses from his nerveless fingers with her left hand. With her right she unzipped the front of her uniform dress to the waist.
    As she put his glasses on the bedside table she took his right hand in hers.
    β€œThere, I bet you're feeling better already right?” she slid his trembling hand under her top. His cool flesh made her nipple harden in an ...