1. Jake finds a book part 9

    Date: 7/20/2024, Categories: Fiction Bi-sexual Body modification, First Time Incest Job/Place-of-work Mind Control, Non-consensual sex Pregnant, Teen Male / Female Author: arcaine one, Source: sexstories.com

    ... small perky breasts were so different from the well endowed nurse.
    Moving his mouth down his mother's neck he laid soft kisses and licks on every inch. His right hand lightly pinching and rolling her turgid nipples one at a time.
    Unnoticed by the horny boy the woman began to get her color back. It started at her lips and spread to her cheeks. And down her throat, her pale nipples blushing rose again like when she was in her 20s.
    Lance now had his mother's rubbery nipple in his mouth once again. How he wished milk would flow from them into his mouth again.
    His hand bravely slid towards her neatly trimmed pussy mound.
    Heat radiated from the womb he had passed through over 18 years before.
    His mother's head was nodding almost imperceptibly as he slipped his finger into her damp folds.
    Guided only by stories he has read on the net he found the hard button of her clit. Lance began to write the ABCs in capital letters with his mother's natural lubricant.
    Charlotte was dreaming that naughty dream she had sometimes about her little boy.
    She knew it was shameful and would never admit how much it had turned her on to breastfeed. She let him nurse until he was 3 years old even when people had tried to shame her for it. Her husband had drank from her body for another 2 years.
    She had wanted more children but never had gotten pregnant, Not from lack of trying mind you.
    When her Bill passed on she had to almost tie herself to the bed to keep from seducing ...
    ... her son.
    Lance looked so much like his dad, in her dreams they became one and the same.
    Lance had two fingers pumping in and out of his mother's dripping pussy now. He was switching back and forth from one nipple to the other.
    His mother's body tensed and she gasped, her cunt clenching hard at his fingers.
    Lance looked at his mother. She was breathing faster and a light sheen of sweat covered her face.
    “I think she just had an orgasm.” He thought to himself.
    Redoubling his efforts, he began pulling his fingers out over her clit, and back over it on the way back into her.
    He clamped his mouth on her nipple again and sucked hard. A spark of sweet liquid coated his tongue.
    Lance backed up and smacked his lips, it was breast milk!
    Like a starving man he dove back in, pumping his fingers like an out of control machine.
    His mother began to tense up again, her breathing getting even faster. Again all her muscles clenched, and a little bit of sweetness squirted into his mouth.
    His cock was so hard it was starting to hurt you unzipped his fly again. He then positioned his mother's hand where he could rub against her Palm.
    As he began to suckle on her other breast, he felt her hand close around his cock. Unable to help himself he began stroking himself in and out of her grasp.
    The spell was beginning to heal Charlotte's body. Lance had no idea that his face had already cleared up from its acne, even the scars were gone.
    The damage to her kidneys ...