1. College Depravity – Emmy and Daddy

    Date: 7/18/2024, Categories: Diary , First Time Group Sex Incest Male/Teen Female Author: spacybickerson, Source: sexstories.com

    ... room or bathroom. He said they were being replaced, but that has yet to happen. He said he needed the cameras in my bedroom for when he had the rare away games that he couldn’t make it back home the same night and he could watch over me.
    “Emma.” Daddy calls my name with a hint of warning in his tone.
    “What?” I ask and stop swinging my legs.
    “Are you trying to distract me?”
    “No.” I'm as quiet as a church mouse and the TV is on mute with subtitles. That’s how much I’m trying not to distract him. I could go to my room and watch TV, but I enjoy being near Daddy. It has only ever been the two of us for as long as I can remember.
    “Is it proper for little girls to have their legs spread while swinging them in the air?”
    I glance to my back side and realize my skirt has risen up. All I own are skirts and dresses because it’s all Daddy buys me. I should probably get some new ones since these have gotten a bit snug.
    “Does it distract you?”
    Daddy tosses the playbook on the table beside him. “Come here.” He motions with his finger, and without question I’m on my feet going to him. “Lift the dress,” he orders when I’m in front of him.
    “Lift it,” he orders again, and I do as I’m told, revealing the simple white panties. Again, they are all I have. Everything I have comes from Daddy because he likes to dress me and spoil me with presents. I gasp when he hooks his fingers into them and pulls them down my bare legs. “Step out.” I barely step out of them ...
    ... before Daddy is pulling me down on his lap and his hand glides up the inside of my thigh to cup between my legs.
    “I really don’t mean to distract you,” I tell him because I’m not sure if I’m in trouble. Honestly, I’m not sure what’s happening at all right now.
    “No one distracts me more than you, baby girl. You do this to me.” He thrusts upward and his cock grinds into my bottom. His mouth moves to my neck, and he kisses me there, and it gives me butterflies in my stomach.
    “I don’t mean to.”
    “I know. You try to be my good girl, but you’re the one thing that steals my attention.” One of his fingers slides through the folds of my sex. “The guys on the team, however, can’t control themselves. They get in trouble when they see pussy, and when you came to the game, you distracted them too.”
    “I’m so sorry, Daddy.” I hope he doesn’t say I can’t go with him to the next game. I want to watch them all play again and see if they watch me.
    Daddy nips at my neck, and I jump. It’s hard to pay attention to everything he’s saying when his finger rubs against the small bundle of nerves between my thighs. I’ve touched myself there before, but it never felt this good. Daddy’s fingers are bigger and rougher, and the texture is different. Everything about him is more commanding, and my body knows it.
    “Is this wrong, Daddy?”
    He pulls his hand back and then pops me on my sex. “Are you questioning me?” His dark blue eyes stare into mine, challenging me.
    “No, Daddy.” I shake ...