1. College Depravity – Emmy and Daddy

    Date: 7/18/2024, Categories: Diary , First Time Group Sex Incest Male/Teen Female Author: spacybickerson, Source: sexstories.com

    College Depravity – Emmy and Daddy
    Emmy's Daddy is head coach, but he needs help. Once he's shown her what to do, she'll keep his players from getting distracted.
    Chapter One
    I lie stretched out on the couch bored out of my mind while Daddy sits in his recliner going over his game notes. He’s been coaching football for as long as I can remember, which is why we’ve moved around a few times. Because of that, a lot of my schooling has been at home when he couldn’t find an all-girl school close to where we lived. This time, however, I think we’re going to be staying for a while.
    I thought when he coached in the NFL that was a big deal, but I guess when it comes to football you can make even bigger money as a college coach. Now, we’re in some college town living right off campus in a mansion near the stadium. They’ve signed Daddy to a giant contract that even came with this place. You’d think he was royalty with the way everyone treats him. They are always trying to get his attention, but it’s no use. Daddy cares about two things in life: football and me. That’s it.
    When he signed the contract, I thought it would be good because we wouldn’t have to worry about moving for a while, but for some reason, Daddy is as stressed as ever. I’m not sure why because he’s already won their first two games. One was an away game, which I had to stay home for, but the other one last week was at home and I actually got to go. He never took me to the games before, but ...
    ... watching Daddy work and all those men get rough on the field was something else. It lit a fire in the pit of my stomach even though I’d never enjoyed football until then.
    They were all so big and strong just like Daddy, only younger. Daddy has always been built, but that’s probably because he played football he coached. He told me stories about his time then, but now I love the way he orders his players around and they all do as they’re told. I also liked the way they looked at me. I heard a few of the players mention me—not by name, they just called me Coach's daughter.
    I’m lying on my stomach flipping through the channels on the TV mounted above the fireplace as I swing back and forth in the air. I’m going to die of boredom. I don’t have online school anymore since I got my high school diploma a few months ago. When I asked Daddy about college, he said it wasn’t for me and my place was with him.
    He didn’t mention it once we settled, but I brought it up again. Since he coaches here, why can’t I go to school here? I don’t love school, but it would be something to do. Once again he told me no and said he didn’t want to have to worry about what I was up to. Even when Daddy isn’t home, he’s watching.
    I was sure that would change when I turned eighteen, but it’s been the opposite, actually. A few days after I turned eighteen and we moved, Daddy set up his usual security system with cameras. Only this time he put one in my bedroom. Not only that, but there was no door to my ...